Collaborate with the dream of the other

Can you help me? This is how, perhaps, one of the most important episodes of his life begins. When he asked me that question, I said yes. It was a yes to overcoming all the obstacles he would face in moving forward with his dream. Yes to a desire, often common to anyone, but decisive for him.

Yes to the courage to follow. Yes to do differently. Yes to life. He won being away from his family, not having much money to survive in a strange city, living with other people, having to rely only on himself at times. All this to make a dream come true.

Collaborate with the dream of the other

When he needed someone to support his decision, I'm glad I was there. Leaving the comfort zone is difficult, leaving for the other can be even more difficult. After that, I came to realize how rewarding it is to say yes to the dreams of those around you. It doesn't have to be a big move, small daily attitudes can help.

It is a very beautiful experience when we rejoice in the joy of the other. It has an unparalleled sweetness. A real nectar. We can't live this way overnight, it may take years, but we can try.

Collaborate with the dream of the other
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Being in a position to collaborate with the dream of the other requires empathy and, above all, a change of perspective. It is knowing that we are connected and that a different action would change the course of things. It is knowing that an accomplished project can also be our own realization, even if that of the other.

If you want something small, I say yes. If I want something big, I'll say it anyway. It is always a joy to participate in the construction of a dream. If it's mine, thank you for collaborating with me. If it's yours, thanks for letting me collaborate. Say yes!

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