Experiencing the way: The chips start to drop!

Experiencing the way: The chips start to drop!

Hello dear friends!

Continuing the flight of the butterfly!

In full flight, still fall, what to do?!

conscientious and incompetent

And the months passed and I was dedicated to evolving, understanding, recognizing myself within my achievements, my limitations, within my imperfections (too much work), but I had breath now, and there I was, between free flights and painful slips, I continued .

Conscious and incompetent: when we look at ourselves and discover what we need to improve but haven't been able to do yet; So, imagine the frustrations that passed, aware of what there was to elaborate (a slow and often laborious process, which comes after insight, when we identify and understand our traumas, repressions, etc.), I was already taking the first steps towards new knowledge and when I thought I had already introjected the new posture, guess what?! She slipped again.

When I saw myself in incompetence again, I would whimper: “What a bag, what a bag, what a bag… crying over this again?”, but in therapy we learn to review the facts and what is most incredible in psychoanalysis, to heal from the origin, the cause for that purpose and start over as many times as necessary.

There I went, training my flights one more, and one more, and one more time. In evolution, slow and gradual, I started to identify my imperfections faster and to rectify my mistakes, by recognizing them I was educating my brain to the new posture, so I felt the pleasure of being in charge of my wants, my needs, the my self love. The pleasure is immeasurable.

A beautiful process that only begins when we recognize our shadows in ourselves. Recognize that what we demand in others is in us and thus have the courage to change, to face the rules, the laws that society, religion, the family have told us are the right ones.

But wait, I carried a lot of things, I betrayed me to please, satisfy, respect those rules that I didn't feel in me as true, how could I now strengthen my being and continue to carry them? I transgressed! Yes, I transgressed the laws that no longer made sense to me and those that I didn't even think about, worse, I just accepted. I started to live the fullness and beauty of being what you are!

The butterfly gained strength on its wings and the slips became more and more spaced, other processes began, and this universe is so generous that it allows us to be at the same moment, unconscious and incompetent, conscious and incompetent. All this to become unconsciously competent, when we manage to do what we propose as correct and good ideals, without even thinking about actions, they become automatic!

Zen teaches us that inner growth always involves an experience like "a hot coal stuck in the throat." On the way to our development we always come across a problem, an obstacle so big that we can neither swallow it nor expel it.

This is exactly our Western experience of romantic love: we cannot live with it – we cannot swallow it and we cannot expel it! This “burning coal” in the throat is a warning that tremendous evolutionary potential is trying to manifest.” (We, The Psychology Key to Romantic Love.)

Continuing the flight…

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