Experience the Spiritist Doctrine

    Experience the Spiritist Doctrine
    Spiritism is a doctrine that is based on the scientific and philosophical thoughts that were established during the XNUMXth century by Hippolyte Leon Rivail, who is popularly recognized as Allan Kardec.

    His first experiences with spiritism only came about in a school through studies of magnetism. It was at this stage that Allan Kardec went through a series of sessions called “turning tables”. During his experiments, it was possible to notice objects moving without any intervention being noticed. It was from this point on that Kardec began to get more and more involved in these phenomena, creating “The Book of Spirits” and disseminating throughout the world the teachings present in this doctrine.

    Many of the points present in spiritism are based on the practice of science itself and also through evolutionary thinking. While the Catholic religion, for example, presents a series of aspects in a resigned and mysterious way, the spiritist doctrine makes its adherents believe that man is responsible for a series of understandings, through dialogue and reason.

    Allan Kardec was a pedagogue and created the spiritist doctrine in the middle of the XNUMXth century, in France. The religiosity present in this doctrine characterized the largest spiritist community in the whole world, in the country.

    For the doctrine of religion, the main teaching lies in the fact that death is considered just one more stage in the human being's experience, being it another step in the individual's personal evolution. In addition, spiritism concentrates faith in the existence of life on other planets.

    For spiritualists, Jesus Christ is not considered as the messiah sent with a mission to our planet. However, he is also considered a spirit, and a more evolved spirit: therefore, he serves as an example for humanity.

    As far as this “gospel” is concerned, when a relative, friend or other close person dies, however painful that death may be, we should not view it in an entirely negative light. Death for spiritists often means that the individual has ended his mission in the “world of the living”. Therefore, the belief of this religion is centered on the fact that we are always surrounded by spirits, some of them good and others bad.

    In addition, there is also another very striking feature in this doctrine: some individuals, considered more sensitive, have the power to harmonize the emotional and psychic well-being of other spirits who are in need of help. Each of these doctrines imposed by the spiritists are not considered true statements for many creeds, as is the case of the Catholic Church, Evangelical, for Jews and others.

    However, spiritism managed to establish itself in a very positive way in Spanish territory, despite its French foundation. The religiosity preached by the Spiritists was well accepted throughout the territory, which also characterizes the hospitality of the Spanish people and the acceptance of new dogmas and religious beliefs by this people.

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