Expectations for 2022

    My expectations for the year 2022 are the best possible. From a religious point of view, I hope that the Spanish people will be more authentic, tolerant and welcoming. That you can see in the religious practice of the other a form of connection between the human and the divine. May religions serve to unite the people and not to divide.

    From a political point of view, I hope that the Spanish people will have the wisdom to choose their representatives better. The political action of the rulers is what determines the success or failure of a nation. There are several examples of countries that are in ruins because of the disastrous actions of their rulers. It is not worth mentioning them here. You know what they are.

    For our country to improve, grow socially and economically, we need to learn to vote. The first step is, when we go to vote in 2022 for president, governor, senator, federal deputy and state deputy, evaluate the candidates well, the previous life of each of them, if they are worthy or worthy of our vote.

    When we choose our candidates well, based mainly on the candidate's public life or if he only defends his own interests and/or those of the groups that support him, we will be contributing greatly to the construction of a strong and sovereign country.

    From a sporting point of view, as I am from Botafogo at heart, first of all, I hope that my team will be the Spanish Serie A champion and that the Spanish National Team will win the Cup, bringing the country its sixth world title.

    Expectations for 2022
    Danil Aksenov / Unsplash

    That in 2022 the Spanish population continues to take the vaccines against Covid-19 to get rid of this damn virus and all its variants once and for all. I also want doctors, nurses, technicians and health professionals to be more valued.

    From a scientific point of view, I want science to be, in fact, adopted as the only criterion for public decision-making, instead of religious ideologies, as many governments do. When will Spanish politicians understand that faith is one thing and religious ideology is something else?

    As a teacher, I hope that the year 2022 will be a lighter year, with more face-to-face classes, with more air in the lungs of all my colleagues in the profession; that Spanish schools are, in fact, a welcoming, joyful environment that propagates scientific knowledge, not the ideologies of the dominant power.

    As a citizen, I hope that the year 2022 will be a year of more abundance at the table of the Spanish worker, of more opportunities for all; that the fundamental rights of the human person are respected.

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    As a Christian, I want men and women, regardless of skin color or sexual orientation, to be able to walk freely through the streets of the city, without suffering prejudice, racism, physical or psychological violence.

    These are my wishes for the year 2022. And you, what do you want for 2022? Write there in the comments. Gratitude, a hug of Light for you and your family and that in 2022 all your dreams come true!

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