Expansion of Consciousness and Healing: Ayuaska, plants of power x black stripe!

Since our childhood we seek other states of consciousness. An example of this is children who intuitively play around themselves to get that feeling of “seeing the world spinning”.

Also intuitively animals seek to alter consciousness by ingesting leaves of certain plants of our rich nature. Elephants tend to drop the amarula berries and only eat them after some time on the ground, when they have fermented and are alcoholic, simply to experience this change. “Have a cheap”.

Unfortunately, many people fall into addiction to alcoholism and other hard drugs, to escape what bothers them, such as depression, anger, nonconformity, loneliness, among other factors. Do these people become addicted to evil? Well, according to some experts the answer is no!

It is part of human and animal nature to want to know other realities and, even for this reason, nature itself provides us with plants and fruits that can alter our state of consciousness. Many say that God left us some natural gifts, so that intuitively, we could find them in nature, consume them and reconnect to Him, in case we got lost on the “path”. Did this happen? Well my beloved ones, I piously believe this as much by sensitivity, as by my faith, intuition and my studies.

Returning to licit or illicit drug addicts. These people wanted at some point to experience an altered state of consciousness, but what would be their REASON for them to seek this state? – Did they want to connect to GOD? Did you want to be better and evolve? Or were they tired of living in depression, loneliness and ended up experimenting and then becoming addicted, to escape their own earthly “reality”? Did you know that most of these people don't feel of this world? Did you know that it hurts deeply in the soul?

Expansion of Consciousness and Healing: Ayuaska, plants of power x black stripe!
Tijana87 / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Well, there are many ways to look for other states of consciousness that allow us to have a greater connection with the Divine, with knowledge and with the Self, one of them is the meditation practice. But is it fashionable to say that you are a Yôga practitioner, that you meditate, that you participate in spiritualist rituals with plants of power? Or is Ecstasy, Craque and Alcohol more fashionable? – I found out at a conference this week that they are now making tea with that old video cassette tape and mixing it into children's drinks at school, like juice or soda, I haven't researched it yet, but it says that the child becomes addicted to few days and then they (the traffickers) enter the scene. How absurd! And unfortunately, others end up experimenting simply to fit in with their peers. After all, why stay out of this “cheap”, right?

My objective in this text is not to talk about drugs, on the contrary, I can indicate several videos of doctors and PhDs who use altered states of consciousness to cure drug addicts, depressed, suicidal, paranoid, etc. Thus, I will defend some serious philosophies adept to meditations and the use of (natural) plants of power, which quickly lead to other states of consciousness and which allow deep self-knowledge and contact with the divine, but which, due to lack of information, disclosure (and interest of some), little is known about these other forms of healing, of healing the soul from an understanding in which our (Beta) state of consciousness is more difficult to achieve. By healing the soul and spirit, we heal the mind and body as well. Except in cases where it is not up to us, human beings, to judge or disagree with the so-called "destinies" or "karma", words which I avoid using, but which are beyond our understanding.

I believe in stages and cycles and we don't know how or why some end earlier on this earthly journey. However, even these must connect with the “unknown” or with the “other side”, to lose this fear, to realize that here, this plane is just a quick passage to something much greater from where we have already come and to where. we will. I believe that, and you?

The tension experienced by people with serious illnesses is such that even if they deny it or do not verbalize it, only fear, the most internal and profound, makes the case worse. We know cases of healing called "faith healing", which science cannot explain, where people gratified with the healing of their bodies went through a long process of understanding, loss of fear of death, detachment and only then reached the cure. I can't explain it exactly, just as the great scientists don't know either, but those who fear the least, those who face their fears and the unknown, have their lives elongated, their health balanced and they enjoy this earthly experience that we live with more peace and happiness, turning mainly to something we have forgotten: charity, love for the other, helping out of gratitude and recognition that WE ARE ALL ONE and it is by helping the other that we are helping ourselves too. (Research on the age-old Hawaiian healing technique of “ho'oponopono“).

Expansion of Consciousness and Healing: Ayuaska, plants of power x black stripe!
nikitabuida / Canva

Some religions and philosophies practice rituals usually called Shamanic, as ancient people did, consuming the so-called "plants of power" in the form of teas, others use techniques such as yoga, breathing and meditation to reach these deeper states of consciousness. But in the case of the tea I'm going to talk about, the media usually portrays its users as fanatics, it seems, precisely to prevent more and more people from knowing the power given to them by God to achieve self-healing. This has generated a lot of prejudice against many doctrines and philosophies adept at meditation through the expansion of consciousness.

The most curious thing about this is that no one is prejudiced against consuming derivatives of power plants, when produced in laboratories and sold in capsules, as is the case with many antidepressants, anxiolytics and their “relatives”. No one is ashamed to say what medications they are taking anymore, on the contrary, they exchange information to ask the psychiatrist for new recipes, as if they were cooking recipes.

Normally, these same people, already addicted to their “medicines” or even addicted to their paradigms, criticize those who seek in nature or in alternative techniques, other states of consciousness that bring them healing of the soul and even, many times, the physics too. These do not realize that they are consuming prescription drug capsules that simply inhibit or mask the problem while consumed, but never actually cure it.

Conventional Medicine has already admitted “its fault”, doctors do not cure anyone, what they do is control the disease with drugs. On the other hand, Traditional Medicine, that practiced by our ancestors, by the Orientals, by the Indians and Shamans, does not aim at “controlling the disease” but at LOOKING at the “patient”. That is, through their techniques, meditations and natural teas, they heal people from their soul, looking at them as spiritual beings having a human experience and not as human beings having spiritual experiences. Big mistake!

Expansion of Consciousness and Healing: Ayuaska, plants of power x black stripe!
paulynn / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Well, I don't want to go into length or even change anyone's concepts, my role in this text is to spread a little about this subject that many have been asking me. For this, I make myself available to readers to indicate very interesting videos, some of them are lectures by doctors and scientists who study plants of power, spirituality and altered states of consciousness in order to CURE PEOPLE, assuming that Conventional Medicine didn't realize it. See my contacts at the end of the text, ask me to send you links with all the pleasure in the world.

However, they will be videos of medical professionals, scientists and religious people who have no purpose in changing their paradigms, their religion or even getting you addicted to legitimate “drugs” that some religions say are part of healing rituals. Forgive me, but I have to say that many doctrines related to teas, which many call Santo Daime, usually in their rituals “commune” the Santo Daime, as Catholics share the body of Christ and in various doctrines adepts of these teas, name many drugs with names of Saint. I'm sorry, but as a columnist and scientist I'm committed to the truth. Thus, they commonly call marijuana “Santa Maria”, cocaine “Santa Clara” and the ace “São Pedro”. This is old, I'm not up to date to speak other names given to drugs and relating them as if they were divine.

Beloved, I am a writer and scientist, I know and accept everything, but my mission is to demystify it like a good parapsychologist does. So when you hear these “terms” that refer to the saints, run away! Since when can industrialized cocaine, which mostly contains sugar, marble powder and flour, to deceive addicts, be compared to Our Lady or Santa Maria? Forgive me, but for me and all my study groups that do work with tea, called Ayuaska, this is sacrilege!

About Shamanic Rituals or Healing Works with Ayuaska (also called Daime): 

  • The teas taste awful;
  • There is almost always a natural cleansing of the body (that's right, vomiting or diarrhea);

  • Depending on how your inner world is, you will not always see good things, but you will see reality;

  • If you are going to participate, leave prejudice, EGO and all your questions at home. Otherwise, possibly the power plant teas won't get you anything other than a good physical cleanse;
  • Plants of Power, don't give "high", if you consume them with this intention you will have a big disappointment at the time or in the future;

  • According to the judicial decisions of our country, accept the rules and instructions that will be given to you at the time of use, as they are necessary and mandatory, which proves the REAL POWER of plants, after years and years of studies on the subject by CONAD (National Council Drugs);

  • The duration of the altered state of consciousness by the consumption of NATURAL teas varies around 4 hours and it is not good to have other commitments on this day.

Moral of the story, you have to know what you want before participating in healing and liberation works with plants of power.

However, here's the good side, according to research: 95% of people who participate in at least 3 rituals reported that they have never had such a revealing experience in their lives. Among this group, 50% reported that their lives changed for the better, 30% obtained the desired cure and 20% feel an improvement, but for some reason understanding comes slowly, and they say that with each ritual they feel they are getting “there”.

Well, what about the other 5%? – Ah yes, these are those who went to do the experience for other purposes, or with groups of fanatical religious lines, or had fears and blocks or simply because they were not having a good day. Because they have not achieved the expected result, many end up speaking badly, giving distorted reports and end up opting for what seems most common to them: A TARJA PRETA and other drugs sold in DRUGlaugh.

Beloved, you well know that I have participated in a little bit of everything during these 25 years of research. I learned a lesson on this journey and I would humbly ask you: Ask the contacts below to know the videos I nominate, the consciousness expansion works that we do in study groups. Anyway, but those who don't want to, simply close this page, but please: DO NOT JUDGE! â€“ Ayuaska has saved many lives, just as it has taken others. Try to find out the real reasons and the other substances that were used concomitantly with this power tea. Search and join serious groups, that's all!

Expansion of Consciousness and Healing: Ayuaska, plants of power x black stripe!
ipopba / Getty Images Pro / Canva

My background is Roman Apostolic Catholic, but today I consider myself an ecumenical spiritualist. I have already attended evangelicals, Catholics, pais de santo, daimistas, pastors and priests in the office. I respect diversity and I ask my readers to do the same! Let's learn to respect others, their beliefs and religions. Let's learn to NOT JUDGE. After all, "Who doesn't have a glass roof, cast the first stone!" And that before “shooting” you identify yourself, because as an anonymous person it is very easy to judge and not expose yourself to judgment, right?

Finally, in search of evolution man has regressed a lot and now his only salvation is going back to the past. What we now call alternative medicine is nothing more than Traditional Medicine, the wisdom of our ancestors, their intuition and connection with the Divine.

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  • Read the account of a transformative shamanic experience
  • What can we learn from Santa Medicina?
  • Learn how healings in shamanism occur

Although they do not disclose this, the subject most studied and researched by universities today is "Medicine and Spirituality", they denied it for many years, but now they have seen that there is no other explanation other than that we are spiritual beings and that the medicines that come to us giving, do not solve and only push the problem further. Now yes, let's really evolve, regressing the time when everything was different.

May everyone find the best way to "heal the soul" and from then on, LIVE REALLY!

Anyone who wants indications or knows about SAFE consciousness expansion rituals, send an email to contato@raquelkoury.com

Kisses in the soul and with God, always!

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