If the planet is a living organism, and it is, we're not exactly the best hosts. Understand this, we may seem to be the most "evolved" for us, but not for the planet.

We have reached a point where our existence is dominated by greed, but not of the entire population, but of the tiny portion that controls everything that happens here on the surface of the planet.

Let's take money out of this equation, for it is an energy of possibility and not the root of all evil. A library book has 10 times more bacteria than a banknote. Regardless of your “social class”, your passage through this planet is just a journey of your soul, which eternally lives far beyond any duality. There is no good or bad soul and within every human being there is a soul seeking to evolve and learn some virtue and having experiences in this dual plane of energetic materiality is part of the life package!

We are creating every moment through our consciousness, and if you think this is bullshit, find out what a Doctor of Astrophysics at MIT, who was the sixth man to walk on the moon, Edgard Mithell, created years after his experience. He founded an Institute of Noetic Sciences to research the absurd capacity of our consciousness.


But we have been convinced that we are nothing and that external forces control our destinies, including judging and punishing us in life and beyond. It is no wonder that the Cathars were wiped out from the face of the planet, as were the Templars, for they knew what the hidden truths were.

We give all the power to ideologies that have forgotten the planet and only know how to survive on the basis of wars and infantilized ego disputes. Kings, Presidents, Popes and Ministers, many sharing their desires to equal God and be placed in history as great saviors, but none really attentive to the whole. Each one with their purpose, with their “mission”, but few with true love for humanity and the planet.

Great powers came and went and did little or nothing really for the whole. We see this here in our country, where for over 30 years only banks have grown unchecked, while health and education suffer more every day, as do most of the people.


All information is controlled in a way that increases profits by sustaining greed. All large organizations aim only for profit, especially pharmaceutical and military ones. This has already been exposed, but the main media only report in footnotes.

People have forgotten about themselves and the planet and now spend hours watching the most “fun” ways to spend the fortunes that could keep the entire planet in an optimal pattern of survival. Yes, there's a lot of money on the planet, and even more being printed and created virtually by banks, which lend what doesn't exist and even then charge interest for it. It's like printing money at home, or creating it in any game, but only banks can do that, and they only do it because politicians allow it to happen all over the planet. Yes, there is no more gold backing for money and no one really controls it. If you don't know, banks almost “broke” the planet in 2008 and were saved by governments.


Like spoiled children, they made their “art” and were forgiven. They are above the law, because those who make the laws are directly benefited by them. This is called lobbying and is a common practice across the planet.

The whole situation has become a big joke, and the facts are in the footnotes of the newspapers, being supported even by a science and a religion that forgot all principles and surrendered to the billionaire financing of greed. Whether for ego, or even for blackmail, the media has almost unrestricted access to the entire planet and you know it well. Even the owner of Facebook protects his laptop's camera, and he is one of the richest and most powerful men on the planet. Perhaps one day we will change the meaning of the word conspiracy.

We are talking about approximately 16 million people who dictate the destiny of billions of lives, who keep billions in misery and hunger, and who are, yes, directly responsible for all the ills of our “modern” society. But I believe that many of them have no idea what they are doing, and I really see it as a life on automatic, in which they lost themselves with their ostentation accompanied by thousands of fans who vibrate with each smile in real time shared on social media.


But the point here is that no more wars, disputes, let alone witch hunts. This is not a new French revolution, because the basis of it was anger and hatred, the essence of an old energy sustained by science and religion. Yes, a Nobel Prize can be worth more than any truth, and old theories will do anything to support absolutely questionable truths.

We need to invest in the concept of spiritual capital in which there is, yes, profit, but together there is a responsibility towards all humanity and the planet. A system in which everyone wins, but far from the concepts of communism and socialism, which only brought concentrated power in the hands of a few, socialization of misery and massive investments in the arms industry, leaving people starving in the name of the ideological delirium of the few. This never worked and it never will because it disregards the belief system of every human being. At this moment I remember a phrase: "Either you die a hero, or live until you become the villain". Yes, dreams of equality that became sad reality with millions of dead. And I'm not defending the capitalist system here, because there's nothing about freedom, it's all pure illusion, because we've become slaves to the greed of a few and a financial system that consumes us through the rampant dream of unbridled consumption.

Just as the apocryphal gospels shed light on a manipulative belief system, a new quantum science has been experimented with with absolute scientific rigor for the last 50 years, bringing to light reason that reason itself must be questioned and revised. But old dogs won't let go of their bones, and they'll do anything to keep them safe, even if it costs the lives and well-being of millions. Again, your prizes and articles will be protected tooth and nail and twisted morals and ethics.

An old energy compelled us to love our neighbor as a way of being accepted by a greater force, and in our final judgment, we would be sent to some kind of good place, where we would no longer have pain and challenges. This never stimulated a true harmony between human beings, because everything was about obligation and reward, separating us from the planet and mainly from God.


No, God is the universe, and everything beyond it. God is a consciousness of pure unconditional love that recognizes every living being and loves him deeply. God, or if you prefer to call it Creator, Creative Source or Divine Matrix, is a force of life, expansion and love. In fact, the universe itself in its expansion is contradicting all established physical theories and accepted as absolute truths, and we will be witnesses of how the planet follows the same path, where perhaps we are heading for a global cooling, and not the opposite.

Who are we to assert irrefutable truths? We have a maximum of thirteen thousand years of history here, on a planet with more than four billion years of existence. In addition there are billions of planets in our galaxy alone with the same conditions of life, which is called the habitable zone within a solar system.

We are, yes, a microscopic dust in the midst of the cosmos, but even so we have within us a connection of infinite and unlimited potentials from our consciousness.

Now is the time to look inside ourselves, to our consciences and allow ourselves to live the new. To understand that we are part of the divinity that we have always believed to be separate from us and that there is, yes, an energy that permeates the entire universe. This energy is unconditional love, but you can also refer to it as Field, Ether, or whatever, but the fact is that it exists, and today it can be detected through the microwave range.


Now is the time to look at that love and understand that it starts in us and for us. It is time for us to understand that our conscience has been forged almost for all eternity, passing through lives and more lives and that we give up its control to hand it over to something “greater” that judges and punishes us at every moment. It is also time for us to begin to expand and share this higher consciousness and accept that the same God that is within you is within every human being, and he must be loved unconditionally.

But what does that mean? It means that each feeling of anger, rancor, resentment and regret imprisons you more and more in a reality created by your consciousness based on pain and challenges. These emotions lower our vibration and keep us in the prison of fear, and you know fear breeds anger. Just see it in nature where the vast majority of animals that are reactive when they feel threatened, fear generating anger.

When we begin to let go of these feelings, we begin to truly accept and love ourselves unconditionally. That is, it comes from within, not from without. This is in our consciousness and, to be more specific, in our subconscious, in what we call the subconscious belief system and convictions.

Are known limiting beliefs, and why are they limiting? Because they imprison us and limit all our action and creativity. With fear we are apprehensive waiting for the next attack, we are paralyzed, blocked and limited. We crash and everything around us crashes together. We unconsciously block our lives out of security and survival, created when we had no idea what consciousness was and how life really works.

When we come out of this low consciousness and expand into a new emotion of love, we allow ourselves to breathe, live and create, and the universe itself takes care of bringing what we vibrate. It is a magnetic universe and the law of attraction is one of the greatest unseen forces, but it responds to vibration and not to thoughts, as the universe is frequency and vibration. Our conscious needs to be aligned with our subconscious and then we can manifest and attract positive things, as we become aware of our vibration, and we effectively connect with our inner divinity, which is part of a greater, universal and multidimensional consciousness. We become One with the universe through the highest vibration, unconditional love, creating a state of quantum coherence and recognizing ourselves as part of this Creative Source.


Coming out of this low consciousness also allows us to clear our Field of Attraction, a kind of energetic list of all our desires. Many of our desires are reflections of frustrations present in our memories and deep down they are not genuine, but exist only as a way to bring us some kind of breath in relation to past faults.

We live in the past, in memories, and our experience has served as the basis for an awareness of fear and survival. Thousands of years on the run, living on guard against being attacked by predators, have taught us that fear guarantees survival.

When we clean these memories, we start to release our fears and frustrations and with that our desires also begin to fade. We clean our Field of Attraction and let trust rule our lives. It is at this moment that the real miracle of life begins to happen, and do you know what it is? The miracle of inspiration from our divine interior.

In this moment we begin to open ourselves to the true flow of universal abundance, and just like a street sidewalk, where plants begin to emerge in the middle of the concrete, our life begins to flourish and opportunities arise in the material environment. We start to have deep insights of inspiration, and solutions start to emerge from all sides, whether through ideas, through people, whatever, but they arrive and everything starts to change.

Emily Wang/Unsplash

To be here writing all this and sharing it with you is exactly living a moment of deep inspiration.

It is this heightened awareness that we need to spread across the world, especially to the people in power. It's okay for them to remain millionaires, but they don't need to accumulate so much money.

It makes no sense for a person to buy a million dollar car at auction to keep it in storage while there are so many people going through all sorts of needs. It makes no sense for an organization to exist for the sole purpose of sustaining people's egos while so many others suffer. It makes no sense for industries and systems to keep people sick just because of the greed of a few. It makes no sense to use fossil fuels when more than a hundred years ago one of the most brilliant minds (Nikola Tesla) managed to use energies that were purposely forgotten in the name of greed again. It makes no sense for a bank that makes billions to keep cutting costs as a compulsive and unhealthy thing, just to please its shareholders, again the few millionaires and billionaires that live on the planet. It makes no sense for thousands to lose jobs so just one can buy a plane, a yacht or even a single piece of art. The world no longer has room for this kind of low consciousness attitude.

Of course, here we must fit the concept of self-responsibility, remembering that every adult human being is capable of making choices and decisions, but we need to teach from the base of their education that their choices are reflections of their subconscious, which can lead them to make wrong decisions that will harm their lives and the lives of others. We need to create the concept of Management of Consciousness and show the world the primordial importance of this “management”, as neither science nor religion teach and it is absolutely essential for our well-being and that of the planet.


I don't bring all this to generate anger and more shadows for the world. I share all this to bring Light to people's awareness of the importance of looking inside themselves and starting to question themselves. We all need to change, understanding each other and evolving our consciences to spread love. Not because we will be judged by God, but because this is the highest truth, the one that involves the greatest good.

We, the billions who are just surviving, cannot bear the burden of destroying the planet because we are not the ones who make these decisions, create laws and make all this mess. No, I am not part of that group, but I believe that from now on we have to demand that those who are part of this “leadership” need to be aware of the damage and suffering they are causing to the planet and that they start to change that now.
Again, this is not a witch hunt, but a global consciousness-expanding movement, because if a virus can cause so much panic, imagine what else the planet could do to heal itself, if that were the case, which I don't believe. whatever. This is the thing of the human being, with his ego out of control and taking separation to the extreme. And even if this is nature, the planet, it is it seeking its own balance and we must accept that, understanding once and for all that we can do our part in this rebalance without people having to die.

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There is no overpopulation on the planet, but imbalance in every way.

We are not a virus to the world as Gaia loves us deeply, but we need to honor that love and give it back by taking care of our home with deep respect and love.

We are, yes, good and important for the planet. Even if we don't have roots in the ground like a plant, we are made of everything offered by the planet and, therefore, we have to honor our existence and all the matter that exists here, because everything came from the earth and to the earth it will return. , at least for a while.

We are part of this planetary organism called Earth, and if he gives it a little shake we are swept off its surface, and believe me, he has no regrets because it's all love!

And you, what do you think about all this?

Comment, share and let's expand this new awareness of love.


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