Exercising Courage Daily

    Courage is a concept often misunderstood. Many people think that being brave is not being afraid. On the contrary, Courage is the ability to act despite fear. The impulse to move forward, even with fear, leads to the highest achievements, as it is a positive force that motivates us to keep moving forward, despite difficulties.

    It seems that the world around us is full of traps and dangers. At times, even we try to boycott ourselves and doubt our abilities.

    How can we change the way we act and advance in pursuit of our ideals, without abandoning them?

    We can try, at first, to reflect on our fears. Investigating and accepting that within us there are many things that cause us discomfort and fear, without trying to minimize or deny, makes us more aware of our weaknesses. Try to specify what destroys your trust.

    After listing our fears, let's try to understand each of them even more. Knowing what causes you fear helps you deal with those emotions.

    Exercising Courage Daily

    Research your fear, know how it appears, how it manifests itself, study it deeply. Understand the emotions his fear arouses, how they begin to arise in your mind, and how they develop. Act like a detective or a scientist, put your fear under a “microscope” and make it your object of study. You will be training your mind to anticipate uncomfortable events and act more positively. Each fear studied in depth will become more familiar and less intimidating to you.

    The next step is to find ways to control your negative reactions. As you will notice, knowing how fear works will give you a lot of information on how to deal with it. By bringing fear into the light, it becomes less threatening, less abstract and disturbing. From there, you can catalog it, specify it and define actions to control it. Fear won't go away, but you become stronger to act in spite of your existence. See that there are elements of this fear that you can control through countless techniques: breathing exercises, meditation, readings, training, etc.

    A good incentive is to seek inspiration from the stories of famous people, who managed to overcome difficulties, even having fears like you. Try reading their biographies. When you know these reports, they can inspire you to adopt new behaviors and create other outlets.

    Review your thoughts constantly, challenging your own way of thinking. Doubt will arise and seek to divert you from your new path. By analyzing your mind and your way of thinking, you avoid falling into the trap of doubt and self-sabotage.

    To further strengthen your resolve to face your fears head-on, practice self-affirmations. They help keep you focused and condition your brain in the persistent pursuit of your ideals. To do this, try to perform this exercise as soon as you wake up and before going to sleep. If you can, repeat the affirmations throughout the day.

    Don't be discouraged by possible failures. Constant practice leads to perfection. The process of courageously facing your fears is difficult, you are literally building a new path for yourself.

    Keep your focus on your ultimate goal, which is overcoming your fears. Learn from the falls, get as much information from them as possible to strengthen yourself even more.

    Exercising Courage Daily

    Gradually expand your comfort zone. When faced with new challenges, don't try to anticipate anything, just simply act. Try new things, look for new challenges. Mistakes are for learning, you can always start over. It doesn't matter where you are: the important thing is to keep walking, one day at a time.

    The only thing that separates you from your potential is the barrier you build yourself. Shall we start taking it down? So, get to work!

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