Everything you need to know about the pendulum

Have you ever heard of an object called a pendulum? Did you know that he has the power to act as a mystical and energetic instrument capable of helping us connect with the spiritual world and with our interior? An example of a pendulum with this function is the crystal pendulum.

As a very old object, the pendulum has several uses, both in scientific and mystical practices. Want to know more about this thousand and one uses artifact? So, follow the article that we have prepared exclusively for you to stay on top of the smallest details.

What is a pendulum?

Technically speaking, the pendulum is an object that consists of a heavy body suspended from a rod that oscillates through the action of gravity. It is often used in Physics in the study of oscillatory motions.

As you already know, there are a variety of pendulums, each with a specific application. Let's talk briefly about the most common types, remembering that our focus here is on their spiritual application. So, we'll cover all about the power that this amazing object has.

Pendulum types and their differences

For scientific use, there are several types of pendulum, among them: simple pendulum, Newton's pendulum, Kater's pendulum and Foucault's pendulum. There are several applications: study of weight force, mechanics, cartography, topography, prospecting for minerals, study of the Earth's rotation movement, detection of excess electrical charges, among others.

As for the material with which it is made, there are the most varied types and the most used are these:

  • Madeira: Pendulums with this material can be light or heavier (in this case, the lead ballast gives this weight). The lighter ones are more difficult for beginners.
  • metal (gold, silver, bronze, brass, iron, etc.): it is usually the material used to manufacture the witness pendulum (which is used in radiesthesia). It is very suitable for those who are starting to use this instrument.
  • Cristal: is perhaps the most vast material for the construction of pendulums, as there are an infinity of types of crystals. This material very easily absorbs energies, so it is very efficient for measuring and amplification of energy.
Everything you need to know about the pendulum
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How do pendulums work?

Pendulums are mechanical systems that work through oscillatory movements, depending only on gravity and the force that keep their axis fixed. For spiritual use, this action is important because, in this way, the only thing capable of moving these instruments is the energy that circulates in the environment.

For this reason, pendulums are able to capture energetic vibrations, functioning as oracles (for divination) or energy conductors/aligners (in the case of spiritual healings), since their point mass points to where the energy needs to be rebalanced or to the answer. correct to a question.

What are pendulums for?

We have already discussed above the scientific usefulness of the pendulum according to each type. For spiritual use - our purpose -, the simple pendulum is generally used, whose tip material can vary between wood, metal or crystal - the latter being endowed with many powers and many applications.

In this sense, the pendulums serve to bring us answers on various topics of daily life, such as work, family, love, among others, but there is also a use for healing, in particular cleaning and body energization - in these cases, the the pendulum's electrostatic powers – and to establish a connection with spirit guides.

To continue the scope of our article, we highlight, below, two important curative uses of the pendulum and its benefits. Check out!

The pendulum in radiesthesia

Dowsing is a pseudoscience that measures and researches energy fields. According to this practice, we can capture energies emitted by all objects. One of the uses of this ancient practice is to find water, minerals or lost objects.

In addition, dowsing helps to analyze the energies of an environment, as it considers that everything in the Universe has a vibrational field. And, based on this logic, it is also able to identify the energies of visible and invisible beings, connecting us with our spiritual mentors.

In dowsing practices, the pendulum is an essential instrument. There are even several types of it, such as the Egyptian pendulum, the testimony, the virtual (or chromatic) cone, the universal, the Hebrew (or Kabbalistic), the Turenne pendulum and the common ones. Each has an application, such as measuring vitality index, measuring astral waves and detecting spiritual, mental, physical or environmental imbalances.

Everything you need to know about the pendulum
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Pendulum and the chakras

The pendulum, in its spiritual function, is also an excellent instrument for cleaning and energizing the chakras, promoting their balance. Its job is to level the chakras and stabilize our overall health, which can be affected by an overload of negative energies.

Basically, we hold the pendulum over each of the chakras and then it will indicate if there is an imbalance there – according to the way it moves. In the next topic, we will detail how to make use of the pendulum also in other applications of this instrument.

How to use a pendulum?

Using a pendulum is not complicated. You just need to know what your need is, so that you can use it correctly and also pay attention to some basic rules for the correct handling of this instrument, as it involves contact with energies.

For the use of its healing properties, just hold the pendulum over the place to be worked. In the case of the chakras, as we mentioned above, when there is a good energization, it rotates intensely clockwise. If it spins counterclockwise, doesn't spin, or barely spins, then that energy point is out of balance and needs to be addressed.

When checking the energy of an environment (as with a dowsing pendulum), we can ask whether or not that place has bad vibrations. The question must have a β€œyes” or β€œno” answer. A good question would be, "Is there any negative energy in this environment?"

How to choose a pendulum?

Now that you know how to basically use a pendulum, you need to know exactly how to choose one, right? There is no exact rule for the material used. There may, however, be a preference according to the type of pendulum (as mentioned above, for example, in the case of the material used in each dowsing pendulum).

The only particularity is with the crystal pendulum, as each stone has a specific energy, so it meets different needs. Know, however, that crystals and stones have a very intense memorization of energy, which can compromise some uses, if not done properly.

It is also worth remembering that the choice of type itself involves more a matter of energetic identification, when you feel that the vibration of the pendulum "married" with yours - either by visual interaction or by touch. That's why it's important to get in personal and direct contact with this object.

Everything you need to know about the pendulum
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Cleaning your pendulum

As you can see, there are several types of pendulums and the materials they are made of. Therefore, each one will require a specific type of cleaning. In addition, in the case of crystals, it is necessary to energize the stones according to the composition of each one.

Cleaning must also be done before using the pendulum, especially in the vibrational aspect, since it may already be impregnated with previous energies, which can interfere with its functioning, either for healing or for the answers obtained. Here's how to clean it up:

  • wooden pendulum: leave the pendulum in the ground (it is not necessary to bury it, it can be on the ground) overnight or for a few hours (depending on the concentrated energy). To remove excess soil, you can use water. Dry it with a paper towel (avoid using a towel or material that has already been used, as this use has energy).
  • metal pendulum: to clear your energies, hit the pendulum on another metal (iron) surface. After that, wash it with water and dry it.
  • Wooden pendulum with metal ballast: Here, you need to use both metal and wood cleaning processes at the same time.
  • crystal pendulum: each crystal has a peculiar way of cleaning and energizing. For example, crystals with iron in their composition should not be cleaned in salt water. The ideal is to have a crystal druse, which cleanses and energizes. Selenite stone is also great for this. Want to know how to clean each type of crystal? Check out our vast content on the topic.

For some experts, in all materials, a black cloth is enough to clean the pendulum energies. Just rub it a few times, and the energy of the object passes to the black cloth. This choice is due to the fact that black is the absence of color, so it makes a vibrational confinement. To remove the energy from the cloth, simply wash it under running water.

Mental and energetic preparation

After all this information about choosing, cleaning and energizing pendulums, it's time to prepare mentally and energetically to use one. First of all, you need to be mentally balanced and in a quiet place, without noise or interference. Take a good shower, wear clean, light clothes.

After that, it's time to consecrate the pendulum, that is, neutralize its energies, as it absorbs and stores the vibrations from where it was. There are several ways to make this consecration, but the main thing is that you need to be focused, ask for the blessing of the higher spirits and connect with the object.

The pendulum also needs to get in touch with the four elements of nature. To do so, you can represent them with items such as a potted plant (Earth), sprinkle perfume or light incense (Air), fill a glass with water (Water) and light a candle (Fire).

Arrange the elements in a circle (you can even draw this circle with chalk) and place the pendulum in the center. Then place the pendulum in direct contact with each of these elements. Say a prayer or meditation, so that this circle is activated.

Don't forget to be pure in mind and heart and with good intentions. Also, thank the superior beings, including the spirit that guides the instrument, seeking a tune with it.

Everything you need to know about the pendulum
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How to ask questions to the pendulum?

After all the preparation process, the pendulum is ready to be used. With the use as a divinatory object, it is necessary to make some considerations. It is essential to be completely focused, so that everything works out.

There are different ways to ask the pendulum questions and, usually, when you buy one in a specialty store, the attendants give all the instructions.

A tip, to see if everything is ok with the pendulum, is to ask questions whose answers you already know – examples: β€œIs it daylight?”, β€œIs it raining here right now?”, among others.

Holding the pendulum correctly

Hold the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, firmly so it doesn't fall out, and without squeezing it to avoid restricting the flow of energy. The opening between the fingers that hold the pendulum can take two shapes – eye and OM – which allow the energy to flow favorably.

Fingers that do not hold the pendulum cannot be too high or curled or pressed into the palm of the hand, as they also restrict energy transit.

What can I ask?

The ideal is to ask questions that demand a β€œyes” or β€œno” answer. So, be as clear and objective as possible. As we exemplified above, in the topic about dowsing, ask direct and frank questions, without trying to influence the result.

Give as much detail as possible when asking the question. Here are some examples: β€œWill I get a job this semester?”, β€œWill I find a boyfriend in the next two months?”, and so on.

Some experts claim that the way the pendulum responds may be connected with the questioner's intuition. Therefore, we can consider a movement as β€œyes” and its opposite as β€œno”. Other experts argue that there are already established movements. For example: β€œyes” – rotate clockwise or move vertically; β€œno” – rotate counterclockwise or move horizontally.

Everything you need to know about the pendulum

And if it doesn't work, what do I do?

Now, if the pendulum makes elliptical (in any direction) or transverse movements, it may be that the question was not well constructed or that there is some energy interfering with the ritual and, consequently, the answer. It is also important to verify that you have cleaned or energized the instrument correctly.
It may be that you still have some doubts or, if you made the query yourself, you don't yet have the experience to establish this connection. That's why the ideal is to look for someone who is an expert (tarologist, astrologer, vibrational therapist, dowser, Reiki master, psychic, among others) to help you in this mission.

What if the question was asked with an expert and still nothing worked? Well, the ideal is to clean and keep the pendulum and try again at another time, with more mental and spiritual preparation.

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As many say, the pendulum doesn't lie and doesn't make mistakes. So prepare yourself mentally, physically and spiritually to make the best use of this powerful tool, rich in utilities and that can connect you with your spiritual mentors, bringing great improvements to your life and guiding you on the path of evolution and fulfillment. !

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