Everything flows when you let go

When you let go, does it hurt? if your answer is "yea", something needs to be changed immediately. Attachment is a destructive feeling that has great negative power in our lives. Have you ever stopped to reflect on the things you've been attached to lately?

Material goods are among the best examples when it comes to this. You know that table from your great-great-grandmother that you can't throw away? As worn out as she is, can't you just let go? Well, this can be a great sign of living with attachment.

But, after all, what evil is embedded in this attitude and why does it bring so many bad things to our lives? Let's talk a little more about it!

Let go and watch it flow

Everything flows when you let go

When we are attached to something or someone, the first feeling we find when we let go is suffering. We suffer because of the dependence that an object, a person, a pet, a job, etc. brings to our life.

When you let go, suffering tends to knock on your door to show you that you need it. Then stop and analyze: do you really need? When we choose to let go of something or someone, for whatever reason, things start to flow.

Material possessions can blind us, as can some personal relationships. Many times you may believe that you need it, but when you let go, you can see the beauty that you were preventing from appearing in your life.

That's why letting everything in your life have the right to go is a faithful act to yourself. This attitude opens paths and makes substitutions, but don't be scared, because it is a beautiful work of renewal in our lives.

the law of detachment

Everything flows when you let go

Just like the law of attraction, detachment has its law! It may seem that attachment is only related to personal relationships, but that's not all. Attachment is directly related to everything we desire, so it is necessary to understand that wanting something is one thing and needing something is another.

That's why letting go of the need to have certain things or people present in our lives makes everything light. In this way, there is no pressure, no unnecessary demands and no emotional exhaustion. The consequence of wishing something lightly is fluidity.

Very differently from what they think, when a person lets go of something or someone, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like it anymore. The meaning of this attitude is that this person comes to understand that he does not need to be dependent and afraid of losing. She understands that she doesn't need to cling so intensely to something or someone, after all, that's what will make her suffer.

Detachment is a teacher who teaches his student not to be afraid of losing and, consequently, teaches that there is no need to suffer.

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phrases of detachment

Everything flows when you let go

Finally, if you are in a vicious cycle of attachment, you need to study a little more! Reflect on what you are clinging to and look for the reasons behind it. It can be painful at first, but with rational thinking in action, just take a single step.

Get inspired by some detachment phrases and try to leave this dependence aside to follow your path.

  • Practice letting go of everything that prevents you from following your path;
  • By releasing what holds us back, we make room for what can change our lives;
  • Loving goes beyond having someone present, because love will never imprison anyone!
  • Changing focus can be scary, but have you ever tried to look the other way?
  • Let go of beliefs that are not yours and create your own life.

When you let go, the whole world transforms for you!

Text written by Juliana Almeida from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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