Everyone needs an emotional cleanse

Who has never found themselves in a situation where everything seemed lost, be it an opportunity, an effort, a dream?

In these moments it is essential to look at yourself from the eyes inwards and, if there are still noises in the internal communication to identify the origins of our afflictions, or our impotence in the face of certain situations, an important resource is to stop. Literally stop.

A minute's pause, a long breath, emptying your mind with the serenity of someone who knows that the world keeps turning.

This pause allows for the inner reunion and is the master brake of the impulse that we have to drop everything, give up, give up, after all, it is known that running from oneself does not complete the course.

It is important to develop a critical eye that consciously validates the life we ​​lead and the life we ​​hope to have.

It will not infrequently be possible to realize that we are responsible for most of our own grievances. In this way, it is essential to prioritize our tranquility, especially to learn to harmonize our mind. A good tip for being emotionally balanced is to promote emotional cleaning.

This cleaning is not intended to control negative emotions, but to understand them and give them new meanings, after all, the entire process of re-energizing happens essentially from the inside out.

For me, some exercises have been effective throughout my life and I present to you my hygiene tools:

Everyone needs an emotional cleanse

Don't allow negative "energies" and situations to affect your state of mind

Any direct or indirect circumstance promoted by people used to constant complaints, intolerance reactions and selfish gestures tend to take us away from the focus of peace of mind, whether consciously or not. Of course, we are all in a constant state of personal evolution and there are no perfect people, however, some people, despite trying to make things right with the resources they have, are permanently feeding and strengthening harmful feelings that, in some way, affect us in greater degrees. or smaller according to the level of relationship we have with them. How much this affects us is a personal decision, as we are solely responsible for our well-being.

change focus

In times of difficulty it is natural for the main focus to be the problem, but if there is no real effort to change the focus, you will only see adversity. The solution, however clear it may be, will be masked under pretexts that prevent it. As fanciful as it may seem, start thinking about the matter from the point of view of the ideal solution, go 'back to front' on the problem. This attitude brings powerful insights and revitalizes the mood. It leads us to optimistic perspectives and, consequently, to constructive actions that will in fact solve the problem.

discharge the tension

As difficult as it may seem, in this suggested break in the midst of the whirlwind do something that gives you pleasure or that uses up some energy. A walk, a craft activity, growing a plant can be powerful tips to make space in our mind, so that our brain synapses occur more easily and promote the chemical production necessary to resume our responsibilities.

Drink lots of water and breathe

It sounds like a joke and obvious, but water really cleans us and has healing power. Eliminating toxins in our physical body through good hydration activates our emotional detox power, since physical well-being leads us to a disposition attitude. Likewise, deep, rhythmic abdominal breathing balances the nervous system and has anxiolytic power. Don't pass up this tip.

Invest in your self-knowledge

There is no transformation or personal development without self-knowledge. From the knowledge of our emotions, we can reframe them, which will provide greater balance and inner peace. Sometimes our individual resources prevent this process. Do not hesitate to seek professional help in therapy. Nobody will give us the answers, because they are inside us, but a therapist will certainly help us through a conversation aimed at organizing ideas and finding the way out of our inner labyrinths.

So, get to work and let everything shine.

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