every step counts

    When night comes and I analyze my day, I realize how little time I have to do so many activities. There are so many interesting courses out there for free, so many videos on the internet to add value to your career, image, social perception, advice on how to make sense of each rung of the ladder, these are experiences that we all have in common, shared and enlivened.

    Time starts to become precious when the features you get used to start to become a vicious, routine cycle. Here comes the weekend to relax and give the body due rest. Sleep is compulsory. Time goes by and so does new information. A tree to bear good fruit in its time needs to be watered, cared for and worked on. To reap skills, results commensurate with effort, it is necessary to give time to learning, experiencing and sharing.. Novelty cannot be seen as an eyesore if it can be the door to career transformation. That opportunity that can be the dream job. Professional updating is the guide for this opportunity.

    every step counts

    An internship is learning to identify with the company and vice versa. It is the opportunity to experience the area, theoretical knowledge seen in practice, possibilities for performances and reforms. A necessary step to gear up your career and make sure that your choice will have an impact on the expected post-training results. The hopelessness that falls on young people is clear when they do not have this relationship with the job market. The point is that there is no tiebreaker game, if you took advantage of the first one in the classroom and the second in internship preferred not to do so, your step will have to be bigger, firm and strong to manifest itself to the business circles. In this part, volunteer work can be welcomed, while carrying out activities other than your training. It may be short-lived, what matters is your preparation.

    every step countsAssistant or assistant? Both if you can. Some go straight to an analyst, supervisor or manager, as they have embarked on tests and more tests in trainee programs, public tenders or private tests. However, for those who start step by step, the opportunity to help should be understood as another step, one that guides you to the challenge of staying at work and growing professionally through your skills and training. It's the step-step experience of everyday routines along with coffee to maintain your productivity. You won't forget so many work and hours for the strategies that the company puts you through. Usually those who "wear the shirt" tend to do well to take the next step.

    Take the next step… To success! Be an ally of hope and the attitude of making a difference. No fear or shame of putting his “hand on the tray” because he has a higher education. Have humility. Learn from the teachings of ancient sages. A wise person is also one who listens to and respects opposing opinions, showing intelligence that can reach consensus. Everyone can redeem themselves. Your conscience is the best tool to fulfill your purposes.

    Many matters in life are mysterious. The career has and the mystery is that the path will have no end. If you are in the influential learning of functional expertise, improvements and “master tricks”, forget it, there will always be parallel and different floors that you can tread. There are those who create their own path, motivation is an ally in this process. The “pot at the end of the rainbow” attracted many curious looks throughout history, but only those who had a good professional performance managed to find it. This pot is loaded with knowledge that the rains, through different and divergent problems, applied to you. So many secrets, so many stories...

    every step counts

    And finally, every step counts for your experience. Let knowledge enter your life, career and your heart to unleash the proof that when we add the points with our skills, we automatically triumph.


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