Estrada Iluminada β€” Spiritual Mentor. Anjo da Guarda.

There is a lot of talk about guardian angel, this since when we were children. Later, when we grow up, this figure gets a little forgotten, because we usually direct our prayers to Jesus, Mary or directly to God.

We would like many situations to happen in our life, but we forget that they will only happen if they are beneficial to us, after all when we pray the Our Father there is a moment when we say: β€œDeliver us from evil”.

Estrada Iluminada β€” Spiritual Mentor. Anjo da Guarda.
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels

But, returning to the guardian angel, he does exist, and he follows us throughout our lives. It also has the denomination of Spiritual Mentor, Guardian Spirit, Protective Spirit, Spiritual Guide, and its objective is to always be with us, helping us, advising us, either intuitively or on the occasion of the detachment of the physical body through sleep.

It is common in difficult times to ask God or Jesus for help and receive immediate help from this Invisible Friend.

Mentor AndrΓ© Luiz, in one of the books psychographed by Chico Xavier, says that many times when we are going through a difficulty, even before asking for help, it is already sent to us. It is this Friend who, seeing our anxieties, already takes the first steps to minimize our suffering.

It is important, therefore, that when faced with any problem, we raise our thoughts in prayer so that we can thus obtain the help of the Greater Spirituality.

It is true that God knows our needs, but we need to show humility by raising our thoughts in asking for help, because God wants us to be active, to fight and not to wait for everything β€œwith a kiss”, as they say.

For certain beliefs, the Spiritual Mentor is present even before our birth on Earth. In spirituality, he accompanies our preparation for coming to Earth, helping us in planning, and can accompany us in more than one existence.

Many say they would like to know who their mentor is. I always say as it is in the books, it doesn't matter what the name is. We can call it whatever we want, after all it makes no difference to Him what we call it. The important thing is to know that He exists and that He is always with us.

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Of course, many times, due to our bad behavior and unworthy thoughts, we move away from Him, which is temporarily impeded due to the vibratory pattern of helping us, so it is essential that we are vibrating in a good energy so that there is the connection that always will be beneficial.

Let us always believe in the help of this invisible Friend. So be it.

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