Enjoy the life

    If we could put stains on a white cloth that represented the criticisms we received when we looked for the right path, certainly at the end of the marking we would have a black cloth.

    We find few or even no people who reach out to help us move forward, yet we have many pushing us back, although those who want to help us exist. And why can't we find them? Because you can't find the good while heading for the worst. Let us try to walk the right path so that we have them as companions. As the saying goes: “Join the good and you will be one of them; join the wicked and you will be worse than them.”

    We realize that the path of error is easy; the correct one, not so much. As I said in a previous article, the merit is not exactly in getting it right, but in getting our earthly journey to be guided by the persistence in staying on the right path.

    It's easy to disobey, it's even tempting, but being molded by discipline requires effort so that, in the continuation, it will become a habit.

    It is as André Luiz tells us, in the work “Our Home”: “On Earth, we always have the illusion that there is no pain greater than ours. Pure blindness: there are millions of creatures facing situations that are truly cruel, compared to our experiences”.

    In this teaching, I highlight, as pertinent, the phrase “there are millions of creatures facing truly cruel situations”.

    Enjoy the life
    koldunova / 123rf

    I have seen, on many occasions, individuals making fun of those who choose the best, calling them “faces”, that is, an outdated, old-fashioned person; extrapolating, those who do not use drugs or use hallucinogenic or alcoholic substances. They mock those who do not practice slow suicide, however the consequences will be proportionate to them.

    I can safely say that, to be more sensible, it is enough to educate yourself, and when we experience the healthy we don't want the opposite.

    Let us follow the conscience that always points us to the preferable one, because it is through it that we bring the previous experiences to the current earthly life.

    I read around this sentence is not mine, which says: “Error teaches the way to success

    and failure shows the way to safety.”

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    So let's enjoy the current life so that we don't have to relive it, going through the bad times that we are going through today.

    Thank you for listening to me.

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