energetic divorce

Have you ever been in a situation where you ended a love relationship, but you couldn't completely disconnect from the person in any way? If you haven't gone through this, you probably know someone who has experienced this difficulty in separating from someone, right? These are those cases where people break up and get back together countless times, but rarely manage to truly let go of each other. But in the end, why does this happen?

According to ThetaHealing®, there are several explanations for this. Among them are limiting beliefs, soul fragments and energy cords. Before we understand how to move forward, we need to better understand what binds us to each other energetically. So let's get to the explanations.

Soul shards

In a relationship, it is possible to leave fragments of our soul with the other person, and vice versa, especially when there are sexual relations between both of you or when the relationship is abusive. That's why, in many moments, we are so attached to the person that we can't end the relationship because we think they "complete" us. But actually what completes us are our soul fragments that are with the other person.

limiting beliefs

In addition to soul fragments, some limiting beliefs can make it difficult to end the relationship, such as believing that endings are difficult; that we will later regret it; that we cannot live alone; that the children will not bear the termination; among several other limitations that make us believe that the best solution is to stay with that person, even if they don't do us any good or there is no more love.

energy cords

energetic divorce

Like soul fragments, energy cords are also created through the relationships we establish, but they are bonds that make us exchange energies with that person even though we are not physically close. These bonds can overwhelm us in many ways, creating blocks and entanglements that keep us from getting over the breakup.

Understanding what may be hindering the definitive end of a relationship, what can we do to recover our fragments, re-signify beliefs and clean the cords? This is where the Energetic Divorce comes in!

What is Energetic Divorce?

Energetic Divorce is a practice that consists of energetic cleansing, chakra balancing and belief transformation to undo these affective bonds between two people. Yes, it's that simple!

energetic divorce

This process is done in a session in which a therapist trained in ThetaHealing® uses techniques such as intuitive readings, digging (a technique to find limiting beliefs), among others.

Usually, just one session is enough to get visible results. But if the situation is more complex, it is recommended to do another session after a month.

When to do the Energy Divorce?

Although there are other situations in which Energetic Divorce acts, the most common is that it is carried out in the end of relationships. But that doesn't mean that, at any break, you need to look for a professional. However, there are some “symptoms” that indicate the need for this, such as these, for example:

  • Not being able to relate to other people, even after a long time after the breakup.
  • Not feeling like living or having fun.
  • Finding it difficult to touch plans that do not involve the former partner.

These are some of the main indicators that we are energetically connected with our ex. But, to be sure if you need to do the Energy Divorce, the most recommended thing is to look for a professional trained in ThetaHealing®!

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Ultimately, freedom only depends on ourselves.

It is common that, in a love relationship, we get so involved that it becomes difficult to clean the other's influence. But luckily, there are techniques, like Energetic Divorce, that make the process easier.

However, for everything to work out, a pinch of self-responsibility is also necessary, because the technique will not make the ex disappear from the map, it only helps to become aware of the toxic connections that existed between you and that person. But it's up to you to step away and impose the necessary limits, for the sake of your emotional and energetic health.

In addition, the understanding that there are energetic factors that make us attached to the other opens the perception that, during relationships, we can maintain our energy using some tools, such as herbal baths, Ho'oponopono, alignment of chakras, among others. By doing this, we will be in constant power of our personal energy, and any break can become easier.

energetic divorce

Anyway, we know how complicated relationships - loving or not - can be, but if we practice physical, spiritual and emotional care, we will have the autonomy to own our own choices, without the need to keep going back to people who don't make us. better.

Now that you know all this, what is your choice? Are you going to get rid of that old relationship once and for all? Remember that you own your destiny!

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