Embracing your inner child

    Embracing your inner child

    The inner child is an area of ​​your mind that has experienced life and molded itself to certain behaviors and patterns to live by. It is an unconscious area, which carries your unmet needs, repressed emotions, creativity, intuition and ability to play.

    Through our inner child, we connect to the divine. It is this child inside you that keeps your flame lit, arouses curiosity, lightness, enthusiasm, humor and spontaneity.

    The pain of your inner child makes a huge impact on your life and can limit your evolution. But how to welcome your inner child in 5 steps?

    1. Connect to your child's feelings while staying grounded in your adult self.
    2. Embrace those feelings.
    3. Offer your love to that child. Feel it in your heart.
    4. Tell your child what you would like to hear, such as: “Now I take care of you”, “you can trust”, “you are safe”, “everything is fine”.
    5. The more you get in touch with these feelings of love, the more truth you will have in your words and the more your child can be welcomed.

    Unleash the child in you in gestures and activities. Make your adult life lighter and fun.

    The relationship you had with your parents when you were little shapes every relationship you have as an adult. After all, when you are a child, you learn to express yourself, feel and guide your emotions.

    Some feelings you may carry because of your inner child are:

    • Low self esteem;
    • Distorted body image;
    • Fear of criticism;
    • Resistance to change;
    • Deep fear of abandonment in relationships.

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    When you begin your process of nurturing your inner child, you awaken empathy for yourself, your parents and even others.

    From your child's healing, you will even be able to identify when another person's inner child manifests itself in different situations.

    Want to know more? Contact me to answer your questions and understand how therapies can help you in this process.

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