Embrace Your Inner Monster — Yellow September

I hope this post changes many people's views on the issue of suicide. I like to point out that this vision is of a person who spent years facing this barrier of life and death, but managed to overcome it and is here to say:

you have a chance to live, just resist and embrace your inner monster!

Embrace Your Inner Monster — Yellow SeptemberI have always lived amidst chaos and life, for many who saw me, looked beautiful and beautiful, but not all people see is what you feel...

Some say it's weakness, others say it's a tantrum... I say it's something much bigger and I never judge anyone for that.

I felt…

I fought, embracing the monster of depression and weakness that leads him to certain suicide...

And every day the hug...

And after 3 days, which were extremely a gift from the universe, which I tell in another post, which led me to something bigger about life, that's what I needed to evolve and give a new side of light to my life.

Therefore, I hope that anyone who reads it can understand that suicide is not just about cowardice, in fact, it is something that is done without thinking, led to very heavy desires and dense energies, which corrode the person inside. Those who do, cannot imagine how to change the reality of their life.

How does a person with depression feel?

The person feels totally inert from reality, far from everything, the void and unfinished dominate his soul.

Linked to extremely deep sorrows, pain comes without end and self-love does not exist. The person sees no way out, every second is a greater challenge and life has no more joy, the days get colder and his life emptier, the words of friends have no depth.

 You feel your heart being broken and every pain makes you want to get out of this nightmare. Music becomes meaningless in your life, each note is not part of anything, they are just a mourning, for existence. Colors don't exist, every beat of your heart has no more strength and you only think about running away from this world, because the middle becomes bitter and painful.

You breathe pain and suffering, your spirit inebriates with darkness, you bleed inside and only you can do something for yourself. You feel carrying a dagger and a rose, this pain accompanies you every second, and you resist for one more day, one more second, try to embrace the sadness and deceive the inner pain, of just living, that emanates from you at all times, because he knows that life, in the end, brings hope... Somehow, there is something beyond this hidden and dark vision...

With these words, I can say that this is a vision of a person who struggles daily with depression and lives in the hope of being happy.

Every day you heal

Embrace Your Inner Monster — Yellow September

The path is challenging, each day is something that needs to be fought, embracing and not at war with this echo of sadness and this emptiness that seems eternal.

I always try to meditate, if the day is so bad that meditation is not done, I go to a park, to nature, and I try to change my thoughts.

It's very important that you try to change your mind, going to a park if you don't want to talk to anyone, because I know the path to isolation is normal, but it's extremely important to be quick and change what you think, change self-destructive thinking. Somehow, stop creating and fantasizing your end, for the more you think, the more you fall.

If you don't want to talk to someone, ok, but do something and don't let them win. If you let the monster grow, it will swallow you! Embrace it and don't let it convince... Love is the key! If you hate him, you lose. If you fight, you lose. If you love him, you win! He will always be around...

I can't tell you that you will completely heal from this, as I'm still in the process of healing, but I have hopes of healing.

Create hope, I know it's difficult, but let it be born, with it, you have more strength to live for the day and not live for tomorrow. It's easier day by day, you know? So you don't run the risk of thinking too much, you don't even need it, because it only generates more pain.

avoid vices

Whether it's drinks, drugs or even something you feel you really need. Not necessarily drugs are addictions, because even being around people with a low and negative frequency will make you fall.

At this point, you must take care of yourself and see every detail much more carefully, because when you're down, the little makes a lot of impact. So, avoiding getting sick, whether due to addictions of the body and mind, believe me, makes a big difference to heal.

When healing, it's important that you make friends! At first, they don't seem important… But believe me: they will be! There comes a time when isolating yourself is saying yes to suffering, it's letting the monster grow, and I'm sure you don't want to see that, it's not good at all. I can assure you that it's no use leaving so quickly...

I'm here to say:

fight one more day, one more hour, one more second. Fight with love!

Embrace your monsters and live, friend!

If you just need to talk, I'll be here to keep talking.

Don't do it, it's not worth it.

Embrace Your Inner Monster — Yellow September

Your suffering will not end, try to live and see that there is hope, full joy is achievable, I can see it with every step I take, I'm sure you will too.

Just believe in you a little more, just a little more.

Kisses and a big hug the size of the world!

I know that what I said can enlighten at least 0,000000001% for those who read it. That's why that 0,000000001% can make a big difference in choosing to live or die.

I know you will remember all this and you will save yourself, because you know, deep down, that it's not worth it... Running away is never the way out!


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