Eighth Scroll – Today I will multiply my value

    (Eighth text based on the 7th scroll of the book: The World's Greatest Seller of OG MANDINO)

    Today I will multiply my value, as I follow a path of continuous improvement, self-knowledge, self-actualization and transcendence that drives my development.

    Today I will multiply my value, after all, why complain or boast about yesterday, when today we can be a much more interesting version of ourselves?

    Eighth Scroll – Today I will multiply my value

    Today I will multiply my value, for a mulberry leaf, when touched by the genius of man, becomes silk. A field of clay, when touched by the genius of man, becomes a castle. A cypress, when touched by the genius of man, becomes a sanctuary. The sheared wool of the sheep, when touched by the genius of man, becomes the garment for a king. Now, if it is possible for leaves, clay, wood and wool to have their value a hundredfold by man, can I not do the same with the clay that bears my name?

     I can choose and I will not let my life experience failure and despair for me to be ripped apart and devoured by the will of others.

    Today I will multiply my value. And to grow and multiply it is necessary to plant the grain of wheat in the darkness of the earth. My failures, my despairs, my ignorance and my inabilities are the darkness I was planted in in order to mature.

    Eighth Scroll – Today I will multiply my value

    Today I will multiply my value, for now, just as the grain of wheat that sprouts and blooms, is only nourished with rain, sun and warm winds, I must also nourish my body and my mind to fulfill my dreams.

    Today I will multiply my value and I don't need to wait, because I have the power to choose my own destiny.

    Today I will multiply my worth and accomplish it this way: First, I will set goals for each day, each week, each month, each year, and for my life.

    Today I will multiply my worth, for just as the rain must fall before the wheat breaks the husk and sprouts, so I must have goals before my life crystallizes. When setting my goals, I will think about my best performance in the past and multiply it a hundredfold.

    Today I will multiply my value, for that will be the standard by which I will live in the future. I never worried about the lofty height of my aims, for isn't it better to aim my spear at the moon and throw it only at an eagle than to aim it at the eagle and hit only the rock?

    Eighth Scroll – Today I will multiply my value

    Today I will multiply my worth and the height of my goals will not frighten me, although I may often stumble before reaching them.

    Today I will multiply my value, and if I stumble, I will get up.

    My falls will not trouble me, for all men must stumble many times to reach glory. Only the worm is free from the worry of stumbling. I'm not a worm. Let others build a cave with their clay, I will build a castle with mine.

    Today I will multiply my value, and just as the sun warms the earth to make the seed of wheat sprout, so the words on these scrolls will warm my life and make my dreams come true.

    Eighth Scroll – Today I will multiply my value

    Today I will multiply my value and surpass all the actions I performed yesterday. Today I will stretch to the extreme of my ability, tomorrow I will climb higher than today, and the next day higher than the day before. For while surpassing the accomplishments of others is important, surpassing my own accomplishments is everything.

    Today I will multiply my value, because the sound of my voice will reach those who will listen to me and my words will announce my goals. Once they are pronounced, I will not dare recall them lest they lose their expression.

    Today I will multiply my value and people will listen to my plans, know my dreams and, thus, there will be no way out for me until my words materialize and become deeds accomplished.

    Today I will multiply my value and I will not commit the terrible crime of aspiring little. I will do the work that failure will not do and I will always let my design exceed my understanding.

    Today I will multiply my value and I will never be satisfied with my current performance. I will always raise my goals as soon as I reach them. I will always strive to make the next hour better than the present hour.

    Today I will multiply my value and always announce my goals to the world. However, I will never proclaim my accomplishments. On the contrary, I will let the world approach me with praise and that I may have the wisdom to receive them with humility.

    Eighth Scroll – Today I will multiply my value

    Today I will multiply my value, just as a grain of wheat when a hundredfold will produce hundreds of stalks. Centuplicate them tenfold and they will feed every city on Earth. And am I not more than a grain of wheat?

    Today I will multiply and centuplicate my value and, after doing that, I will repeat the feat and then repeat it again. There will be amazement and amazement at my greatness as soon as these words are fulfilled in me.

    Today I will multiply and multiply my value a hundredfold and, after doing that, I will share with joy and satisfaction all the conquest, because happiness is a good that multiplies when it is divided.

    Gratitude! Namaste! I love Amituofo!

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