
Have you ever stopped to think that you can be considered an egocentric? A person with a personality like this carries with him some specific characteristics. Among the most common traits are ambition, arrogance and exhibitionism.

A person who has such a personality believes that the world revolves around him. That is, everything that happens to her is because so-and-so did something, cyclan said something, or so-and-so failed to do a certain thing. And let's face it: having a personality like this can be very complicated for life in general.

Why do we say this? For for the egocentric the opinions of others are worthless and only his own are correct. With that, empathy is set aside. Since she is one of the pillars for the general success of life, an egocentric is hardly ever completely happy.


Rather be empathetic than self-centered

Empathy helps us look at the opposite side in order to help us understand and respect the opinions of others. On the other hand, egocentrism doesn't care about any of that, what really matters is what he does and what will be done for him.

We say that empathy is one of the pillars of success, as we live in a society where one needs the other. Whether in family, affective, friendly or professional relationships, we need each other. The self-centered person, on the other hand, has the need not to need anyone and also doesn't care if his words or attitudes will hurt the other.

For this and other reasons, prefer to be an empathetic person than an egocentric one. After all, it is very good to want to have everything our way, but over time we realize that this is not possible. In this way, the egocentric ends up getting frustrated with life, because at one time or another he ends up seeing that the world does not revolve around himself.


The main characteristics of an egocentric

Egocentrism is a characteristic acquired throughout life. When we are still children, we are not able to understand people's ideas and opinions. When we reach adolescence, however, self-centeredness can emerge with potency.

In adolescence, young people tend to think they are more important than others. There is no specific reason for this, but it always happens. If there is no interruption at this point, this trait can continue into adulthood. See then the main characteristics of an egocentric person.

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Manipulators and Blackmailers

They want everyone to move to help them fulfill their desires. For this reason, they always do emotional blackmail or create a way to manipulate people. All this is done so that his plans go as he planned. If someone has been placed on the list of helpers, he will have to play his role for good or for manipulation.



An egocentric personality is fueled by the praise of others. That is, if this person doesn't receive a compliment, he or she is not satisfied and will do anything to get someone to say how beautiful or sensational he is. The more people she gets to do this activity, the more self-centered she becomes.

lack of self-esteem

By needing to be a person acclaimed and adored, the egocentric has practically no self-love practices. For these people, everyone should love her, so they dress up to be praised, give gifts to tell them she's cool, etc.

A self-centered person certainly hides their feelings very well. Also, they are considered strong and full of determination, but who here thinks they are the ones who cry the most at night because of so much overload?


grandiose goals

They want, above all else, a perfect and fulfilling world in their life. The big problem is that all this searching often leaves them tired and completely exhausted. Frustration is almost a sure destiny, after all, the dream for them seems so simple, that they throw themselves into situations without thinking.

How to improve your egocentric side

The improvement of someone egocentric is in the search for empathy. As we mentioned above, empathy is the pillar that unites everyone and brings good vibes to everyone. Try to look at the other as if you saw yourself, learn to listen and then speak, etc.

The egocentric person can become a better person, but for that it will be necessary to remove the crown that he put on his head. In addition, it is necessary to understand that we are all equal and that no one deserves more or less than anyone else. That's empathy! Give up self-centeredness, because it is not good for the soul.

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