Ego, better not have it. But if we don't have it, how do we know?

    The Hermit's Tarot card shows us what Freud had been teaching us for years. The balance of the Ego in internal values ​​with the external world.

    Imagine that in 1923, the Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), already “instigated” the world with his works and studies, showing the public in the 20s, where common thinking was in society and in discoveries; he went in the opposite direction of thinking about the external world, with his theories and his classic “I and the id”.

    Certainly Freud, in his advanced intelligence, already showed that the way out and the solution were within, that is, within each one of us; it does not depend on the external, on society and on the occasions of the world. This depends on our Ego (the link between our impulses, society and educator).

    There is no way to talk about the ego without talking about Freud, since the ego is part of the core of each individual's personality, a personality that is formed by three internal competences of the human being: the id, the ego and the superego, that is, , are simultaneously driven by the id, by impulses or tendencies; the superego for the values ​​of family and social education; and the ego is exactly that connection, that flow, that “jump game” between the id and the superego.

    That friend, or enemy within, the ego, it is free, it is light, it is heavy, it is punitive, it is overvalued, it is everything at the same time, whether for our good or for our self-destruction.

    Due to the ego's freedom, it coexists very well both in our external and internal. It comes from the id, from impulse, and seeks harmony with the superego, which comes from a very moralistic and ethical thought and feeling. This internal friend, the Ego, respects and protects ethics, morals, common sense, discernment, the internal and external balance of the human being.

    Ego, better not have it. But if we don't have it, how do we know?
    Abbot / Pexels

    It also helps to take care of our mental health, as long as it is in balance, otherwise it destroys its owner, that is, our inner self. It destroys with criticism, with severity, with self-punishment, self-sabotage, and then it is not healthy at all. Or, also, the opposite, with self-appreciation, self-praise, self-prestige, and so on. The two forms of egoic interpretation, both in the devaluation and in the valorization, are not normal and much less healthy, both show internal imbalance. The middle way is always the healthy one.

    By transiting in the external world, society and values, and transiting in the internal world, self and values, the ego ends up being both positive and negative. What's more, within each one, it causes immense internal catastrophes, with self-criticism, self-judgment, self-punishment, self-appreciation, traumas, blocks, fears, courage, strengths and weaknesses.

    And yes, we do need to be in balance with our friend Ego.

    When in doubt to maintain the balance of the Ego (impulse, society and educator), realize that everything that offends you comes from the ego, or the lower self, and is not your real and true Self. And if you offended someone, you also respect the other's Ego (impulse, society and educator), it's time to review the situation and stop certain attitudes, thoughts and feelings. This is a good compass to let spirituality work and life flow. Spirituality speaks the language of universal good with harmony. No dramas and no judgments, just respect and respect yourself. Be happy. Avoid masks, be you.

    Your best is always present in every moment, even when you don't know it. Everything is life experience.

    Now that we've seen a little bit of psychoanalysis and egocentric values ​​in both the positive and the negative, let's move on to spirituality. And so we join the physical with the spiritual and help each other to have the balance, so necessary for physical, spiritual, mental, sentimental, social, family and moral health. A lot to keep the harmony, don't you think? But it is possible.

    Here we are going to talk about spirituality with the Tarot archetype, a good example to understand our inner self in balance or our ego in harmony. In the Tarot card game, allied to the present moment of each individual, we have an incredible friend, the Hermit, the ninth major arcana of the tarot, who shows us that the truth is within each one, with our innermost principles and values, just as Freud in his theories showed us, since the 20s, with interconnections, id, ego and superego, that is, impulses, society and family.

    The Hermit shows us that balanced ego, common sense, comes from our heart, from our inner wisdom, from our soul. This has already been brought from other lives, from other eras, from conscious and unconscious internal perceptions, from family, from society and from the experiences that each human being has, and when there is too much in their external self, or I on the other side, it ends, several times, forgetting your Hermit, your positive ego, your inner Self.

    The wise lord Hermit shows us in his figure, the lantern, where he tells us: “I light my way.”

    Your staff represents the wisdom, the authority that we lead within ourselves, our free will, our choices, and consequently we give freedom to the other to choose their paths too. Hermits are known for isolating and living alone, for stepping out of society and shutting themselves off in their world, in search of higher answers and understanding. We don't need to leave society, because it's not healthy either, but we do need to have lonely moments, just with ourselves, to understand and strengthen ourselves.

    Spirituality allied to the ego brings us balance of values ​​and principles. And so life flows, walks, walks, moves forward. And everything changes, not because the world has changed, but because our interior, our way of feeling, understanding and acting, has changed. That's when self-love speaks loudest.

    Ego, better not have it. But if we don't have it, how do we know?
    Brett Sayles/Pexels

    This is wisdom, it is the importance that the Hermit archetype, or the balanced ego brings to the individual, to look within, to recognize himself, to know himself, to know his talents, his virtues, qualities, his defects, your desires and desires. Know your dreams and your realities and let it flow with your self-knowledge and awareness of your balanced ego and spirituality in harmony.

    In this way, with a lot of authority and internal will, behaviors and actions become more accurate, more objective, with that, the simple yes becomes yes; and the no becomes no, that is, the doubt becomes smaller and the certainty greater.

    This certainty is what we call faith, trust, internal strength, not by physical strength, but by spiritual and moral strength balanced with spirituality and matter, is the famous discernment.

    It is when we know that we have and that there is this strength, this will greater, much better, than our own will.

    The prayer that Jesus taught us already says: “Thy will be done… on earth as it is in heaven.”

    The will of God, of the greater force, of the power of the spirit, of light.

    It is now perceived that the Ego balances itself in the face of spirituality, because the energy of good becomes good for everyone, one recognizes the mistakes of others, but does not judge, recognizes one's own mistakes and does not play victim or of suffering, because he let only the good prevail, and there is peace, joy, harmony, respect, understanding, health, life.

    A good meditation phrase is: “The harmony of my being is my greatest protection”.

    • What is reason in times when many think they are right
    • An Inspiring Story: St Kevin, Hermit
    • Understand impulsiveness and its consequences
    • fight stress
    • Know what ego is and how it acts in your life
    • Uncover who your personal arcana is
    • Discover the benefits that Tarot promotes

    This phrase used in one or a few times of meditation, very true, very deep and real, only you with you, when well understood, it stops confused thoughts and feelings and clarifies situations for life to walk and flow. Feel this phrase, deep in your soul and in your heart.

    PS The title of this article is a tribute to the Poema Enjoadinho by Vinicius de Moraes, in which all rights and credits to the original poem are reserved and protected.

    With great respect. Yours sincerely.

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