EGO – After all, what to do with it?

EGO – After all, what to do with it?

There is a lot of talk out there that it is necessary to end the ego, the great evil of the human personality, which, once fed, will fatally destroy the true inner light and the essence of each one of us. After all, what is ego? What is its purpose and how to deal with it in order to use it in our favor and in favor of creation?

The ego is a part of the personality that begins to be formed in childhood, in the first years of life. According to Freud, our ego is formed as a function of the interaction we have with the first people we interact with in the world; that is, our parents, our relatives, our caregivers, our siblings, in short…

The people who are part of our interaction and our environment of conviviality in childhood are primordial factors in the formation of our personality, of our ego. During this process, therefore, what Freud called identification occurs, which is precisely when the traits of these people are gradually being incorporated into us. Therefore, the ego is not born of the individual himself; but, in fact, it is born through the influences and characteristics of the loved ones of this being in the formation of its personality. The ego is born from the people who are part of the child's conviviality. Thus, according to Freud, the personality and way of being of the individual are, in fact, inherited from these people.

We can say that the personality of the being is based on the ego, in which its psyche stores its memories, thoughts, experiences, sensations and memories. That is, the ego is mostly in the conscious.

The biggest problem of the human being in relation to the ego arises when the identification occurs in an absolute and exclusive way with the thoughts, with the titles that it has, with the physical appearance, with the identity before the world, with the memories. In this way, one comes to believe that it is really just that. That is, when everything that this being can see and believe about itself is summarized and closed only in this identification. When this occurs, two situations can occur. The first is when illusions, disappointments, sufferings and disappointments arise, which is when what is known as “ego inflation” occurs, in which the person, because he is identified with his identity in the world, only feels happy and fulfilled. when it acquires the recognition, applause and admiration of others. If all these things don't reach her, she feels frustrated, failed, sad, depressed, defeated, humiliated, and unappreciated. That's because it's as if everything she was was reduced to her ego, her self, her identity in the world. And the second situation is when this person can even become the cause of suffering for other people, precisely because their ego is out of balance; that is, when she lives this ego in an unhealthy, narcissistic way or acts around her own interests, without measuring efforts to fulfill her desires, even if they are to the detriment of the harm or suffering of others. In fact, this is also a big problem.

But what is the purpose of the ego? What does he do for us?

The ego was very important in the course of the formation of the individual's personality during childhood. Furthermore, the ego is important to differentiate us in the world, to strengthen us, to bring us individuality, strength and authenticity towards life and others. It is through the ego that we are aware of our self, of our identity and it is through it that we defend ourselves, that we fight for our rights, that we recognize ourselves as unique, that we fight for important causes for our life and even for the world. . The ego is necessary for every individual to be aware of himself, for him to be aware of life and for him to have mental health. We all need the ego, for it is the working medium of the mind. Through the ego, we act with firmness, fiber and dynamism in life and this is extremely important when we are interacting in the world. Without the ego, we would certainly be fragile, weak people and, therefore, carried like a leaf in the wind, without strength, without personality and without life.

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How to deal with the ego in order to use it to our advantage?

We can use our ego to our advantage by having our thoughts, our memories, our experiences, our titles and appearance in the world, but we must remember that we are not just that. It is important not to identify with the ego. In fact, we are part of a Whole. And our essence transcends our ego. When we come to have this awareness, we discover that our ego can be used as a vehicle for transformation in our environment. All the great people who transformed part of the world, freeing people from oppression and who fought against forms of evil, manipulation, systems of injustice and who brought contributions to a better world through their ideologies and their actions, were people who put the their egos in favor of essence, in favor of creation and in favor of the greater good. The ego does not need to be annihilated. The ego needs to be transformed and placed in favor of essence and in favor of creation.

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