Education to become wise!

    I arrived in São Paulo after a very incredible experience in the city of Guaporé, in Rio Grande do Sul, where I visited the project “Ayni School City”.

    According to the school's website, “Ayni was designed and expressed to be a place of inspiration, of reference in the transformation of being, of education and sustainability. A space of learning and expression for children, parents, educators and the community. An inspiring place where we can experience concepts of a society more aware of its own purpose, where children feel welcome to express their true potentials and where adults have the opportunity to connect with their inner self in a constant dialogue of self-knowledge. ”.

    I was very excited by what I saw. I decided to write to friends and colleagues, coaches, consultants, therapists, speakers and experts from any field or directors of digital marketing agencies. In addition, the message is also for people who are always looking for new knowledge, wisdom, that can really help them discover their true value, mission, life purpose or a cause to which they can dedicate all their potential. .

    Education to become wise!

    This meeting lasted longer than the schedule allowed, it took me to a place of enchantment. I witnessed the approach and the theoretical-practical aspects of two projects that I consider a true expression of the fourth dimension, where unconditional love moves freely.

    Academia Confluence and the Cidade Escola Ayni Project develop an integrative methodology and a free pedagogical model, more connected to nature and the teachings of mother earth, "TO BE" that each of us is.

    A thought that completes my understanding of why to write about these two schools of life comes from Master Osho. He asks about having WISDOM or have and seek the KNOWLEDGE. "To be wise is not to be educated."

    To be wise is to feel the pulse of life inside you and then outside. To realize this mysterious consciousness that you are, you must first live it in the innermost core of your being, because that is the closest door to universal consciousness. The sage never accumulates knowledge – his wisdom is spontaneous.

    Knowledge always belongs to the past, wisdom belongs to the present. Knowledge satisfies the ego; wisdom destroys the ego completely – that's why people seek knowledge. It is very rare to find a seeker who is not interested in knowledge, but committed to wisdom. Knowledge means theory about the truth, it means belief and all beliefs are false. Wisdom means “the truth itself”.

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