Edited by Amor

    Ho'oponopono is a technique that basically works with the strength of forgiveness, love and gratitude. In my view, just the fact that you forgive or ask for forgiveness makes you be in an act of compassion, of love for your neighbor and also of thanking, loving and respecting God in his Divinity. And all this through words 'I'm sorry', 'Forgive me', 'I love you', 'I'm grateful'.

    Some people ask me if they need to keep feeling the words when practicing the Ho'oponopono technique. When we are involved with the subject, you end up doing it with emotion and truth, and that makes cleaning gain strength. This truth, this wanting to cleanse is important. You feel the words, feel what you're doing does make a difference. But when you repeat the phrases many times, as when you do it with japa mala, it comes to a certain point that the phrases become a mantra, the person goes into alpha and keeps repeating. Right now, you are more reciting the words and utilizing your power, your frequency.

    If you want to work with the power of feeling that these words mean, you can recite less often, emitting from your heart chakra the emotions and energies for the situation or person. There are different ways to practice and you should find the way that works best for you, the time and if you are going to use any instrument to enhance it.

    You can concentrate on the situation and calmly work each phrase, even with different times for them, as each one has its function and, depending on the situation, you will feel that you must work a different energy. Sometimes you feel that you must forgive yourself a lot, or someone, or at other times the strongest phrase is that of love. Regardless of which phrases you choose, 'I love you' or 'Amor' should always be used, because it is the energy of Love that transmutes, that softens, that softens situations.

    Edited by Amor
    Jasmine Carter / Pexels / Canva

    Love is not a word that, when spoken, is in all its power. Love is not just saying β€œI love you”. Love is a deep feeling, I believe the most noble of feelings. Loving your neighbor can be understood as compassion.

    Love is a feeling that springs from you, you feel it leave your chest, your heart. Some feel but do not detect that it emanates from the heart chakra. Some people already naturally have love, compassion for others, caring, feeding, dressing, snuggling – a classic example is Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Other people connect to the force of love as they go through life, as they become a mother or father, or as they develop their consciousness.

    What influences a lot in this issue of compassion, of love for others, is the construction of this person, their first and second childhood, if the person received love, care from their mother, and if, throughout life or lives, the individual did not present any trauma that blocked your heart chakra. These chakra blocks make it difficult to feel the expansive, comforting and sacred feeling of pure, soulful love.

    You can connect to the universal force that is the force of love, strengthening this feeling within you and externalizing it. Allowing it to well up from within you and manifest in your actions. People who don't allow themselves to love, when they feel love, internalize the energy that sprouted inside their chest. She knows that she felt love for the other, but she doesn't show it and the feeling ends up losing strength within her, and it could be gaining a lot of strength when manifested in a subtle action, as it would be feeding a relationship and making the other person feel good emotions.

    A simple and subtle action of love multiplies its power at least double, as it is experienced by those who feel and by those who are touched, being able to multiply with the well-being hormones that the bodies produce, and restore energy fields by unlocking and cleaning unhealthy energies.

    Edited by Amor
    Kerkez/Getty Images Pro/Canva

    My husband, Clayton De'Carli Debiasi teaches a monthly Drum meditation at full moons. In one of these meditations, we and the group were in the pasture with the horses, and a 12-year-old girl named Denise was beside me. I felt love for everyone who was there, it was like the feeling encompassed everyone, but I wanted to hug Denise and I didn't. At the time, my husband was talking to the group and we were paying attention, this was right after we played drums and did a circle dance. Then I got an energy inside me that wasn't directed, and I wondered why.

    When we got back to the central house, Denise's younger sister suddenly came over and gave me a hug in which I could feel the love she was emanating from me. The purity of the child allowed free expression, and I felt the benefits of that embrace. I kept wanting to go back in time to hug Denise, so she could benefit from the hug. Denise is my level 2 Reiki student, she went through mild catharsis. Then I hugged her, but it took me a lot more concentration to send that energy to her. My hug at that first moment could have even helped in her healing. This is an example of sudden love externalized rather than internalized.

    • Use this technique to thrive and clear limiting beliefs
    • Learn the complete Ho'oponopono prayer
    • Watch out for these mistakes when practicing Ho'oponopono
    • Kiss on the mouth: what does it mean for the spiritual side?

    I've had moments like these with my son, Lorenzo. Once when visiting my friend, who was my psychologist, dear Rosana, she was in bed due to cancer. Lorenzo gave her a kiss for about three seconds, and she said that he had done Reiki on her. Four months later, Lorenzo was one year and five months old, my husband and I received a kiss from him with this energy. We had an energy block and I believe that, unconsciously, Lorenzo noticed.

    He called my husband with his baby words and kissed him for three seconds, then he kept calling me, until I turned around, took my face and gave me a deep kiss. He always hugs and kisses us, but this day was different. There was a charge of love, an energy that flowed from his mouth to me. That day I understood Rosana perfectly. Children are special, sacred and pure. If they get angry, they show they are angry, if they feel love, they externalize their love.

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