Easter: personal and planetary rebirth

We are in Lent and Quarantine season!!! I don't know when you are reading this article, but we are going through a very “interesting” phase, I would say. Due to a virus (COVID-19), many people are needing to stay in their homes. Yes, some can work from home, others can't, everything is stopped!

As I want you to read this article when all this is over and we are back to normal life, I am reporting this situation. And right at the time we are in Lent, which is 40 days in which Jesus stayed in the desert, preparing for public life.

But I also want to remember that, at the time of Jesus, there was already Easter, or rather Pesach, known as the Feast of Liberation, which celebrates the liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. So, it doesn't depend on bunnies, eggs and chocolates in general, which are also delicious, lol!!

Easter: personal and planetary rebirth
Unsplash/Alicia Quan

All these events are moments of rethinking life, rethinking our habits, our walk on this blue planet. If we remember the first Passover, that of the Jews, we speak of Liberation from physical slavery. The Easter of Jesus also brings us a Liberation, that of Sin (religiously speaking, ok?), but we know that the message of this being more than special, is much greater than this!!

It is actually an invitation to be a new person, to have new habits, to have new thoughts and new attitudes, in other words, a total change! I ask you: adopting new habits, new attitudes, isn't it having a new life, a Renaissance?

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I'm sure you agree with me… But I'll go further, does this virus not want to change our habits too? You know one thing we can't do right now — in case you're reading this after it's all over, this is the internet world, after all, right? Will things stop there? Hug our loved ones, that's right! I said it was isolation!!

Maybe, when all this is over, we will give more value to simple things, like hug, and so, once again, we will be reborn.

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