E-book: Encounter with the Absolute

    The book “Meeting the Absolute” it speaks of the awakening of conscience that permeates our time and mysteriously touches the lives of many people. What is the relationship between awakening and the great crisis we are experiencing? How is our consciousness opening more and more to its fundamental nature, the absolute? How will this influence the future of our species?

    So these are some of the most important questions we can ask ourselves. Therefore, Daniel Rezinovsky wrote this book, which is a long philosophical and literary essay, to try to answer them, from his testimony about what happens in the process of spiritual awakening in the contemporary era.

    “I wanted to reach out to people who, like me, were touched by the call of the absolute and had their lives transformed without really understanding how or why.

    There are few books that describe in a neutral way, and outside of any specific doctrine, what awakening causes. I want “Encounter with the Absolute” to be a preliminary contribution so that other people can find their voice reflected in the writing, like other books they have done for me over the years,” said Daniel.

    E-book: Encounter with the Absolute

    Thus, the author created a Crowndfunding campaign to foster an initial network of people who have an affinity for the topic and also to raise funds to cover the remaining publishing expenses and, if the goal is met, finance a second edition.

    “In my work over the years, as a clinical psychologist and lecturer, I've realized that there are a lot of people who have had similar experiences, but few ears to talk about their processes. If this campaign serves as a catalyst for these people to meet, then its purpose will undoubtedly be achieved.”

    The first edition of the book was published by the publisher Coffeers in 2018 and is sold out. However, the author is making available a free PDF of the book and for those interested, you can check it out here: https://pt.scribd.com/document/401395964/Encontro-com-o-Absoluto

    To make contributions and help Daniel's project, just access the link: https://www.catarse.me/encontroabsoluto?ref=project_link

    Then let us know what you think of the book in the comments!

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