Dreams and the displacement of the spirit.

    Dreams and the displacement of the spirit.

    For millions of years, dreams have been considered a mystery for many, because through them, answers emerged that changed the course of History and humanity scientifically, such as the great and famous physicist Albert Einstein, who said that, when he was in doubt about something or when he couldn't solve a mathematical question, he dreamed that he solved it, so when he woke up, he already knew where he was going wrong, making what was seen in the dream help him. Also in one of these literally genius dreams, Einstein says he dreamed of cows jumping in sync with a big shock from an electric fence. Instead of seeing these as random scenes that our minds reproduce, he developed the Principle of Relativity from there.

    Dreaming is necessary for our consciousness. Even when we do not remember clearly, something has been revealed to us, even if it is a feeling of satisfying a repressed pleasure. Dreams are essential for development and self-knowledge, they are part of this personal and social construction and should not be ignored. Even during nightmares there is a hidden meaning that is apparently and in fact disturbing, but if we recognize the origin and what causes this feeling or memory, it will be possible to deal in a healthy way so that the fear of having nightmares does not prevent you from continuing to dream.

    When we wake up, sometimes excited, disappointed, happy and afraid, what these dreams mean comes to mind. So we come to the question of dream interpretation, which, for psychoanalysis, is essential, there are responsible and promising methods for this, but what I want to highlight is how everything, absolutely everything matters in a dream, even when we insist on saying that it was “travelled”. ”.

    I believe that many have watched the movie or read the book “Alice in Wonderland”. Maybe they didn't realize how a speech, an attitude or a symbol can have different interpretations and surgical depth in our daily lives. Also, about being connected to one's life and purpose. I say this because, for Alice, everything was a dream, or is it not? Alice, after entering a hole, realizes that she is in a seemingly meaningless world, lost, so she starts a journey, in which she soon meets the famous cat and asks for help. The cat responds with what life asks us every day: “Where to go?”. Alice says she is lost, so the wise, calm and serene cat concludes: "For those who don't know where they are going, any path will do".

    What all this means is that many times in life we ​​see ourselves like this, and in dreams it is no different. They are often there to make us strive to find the interpretation - not the correct one, but the necessary one - so that we can evolve, remembering that, like Alice, we may think that nothing makes sense, but it can bring good subtly or brutally messages they make.

    Another very important work for the story, even inspired by “Alice in Wonderland”, is the famous “Matrix”, in which the character Neo (from the Latin “Novo”) has to choose between an illusory life or a conscious life, he then he chooses a new life and breaks the standards imposed many times by himself, freeing himself. The relationship between these two references is that the representation of the dream, imagination and fantasy are present, and whoever chooses the path is whoever is willing to walk it, knowing how to be attentive to large and small details that life awakens, whether awake. or "sleeping".

    Is it possible to be conscious while sleeping? To answer this question, I bring a reflection of the revolutionary Allan Kardec, in “A Genesis”. He says: “Although, during life, the Spirit is fixed to the body by the perispirit, it is not so much a slave that it cannot extend its current and transport itself far away, whether over the earth or any other point in space”.

    It is possible to move from our physical body without losing the connection between matter and spirit. Therefore, the spirit extends and expands, being the perispirit, and this process takes place during sleep, doing this every night; some remember, some don't—and this process does not depend on whether we are dreaming. These are two different mechanisms that complement each other: lucid dreams are those that we remember more clearly and in detail, but during sleep we have no control over our attitudes. In conscious unfolding, we have control. It's like being awake in another vibrational reality, even if it's still unfolding in a known location, so we shouldn't confuse lucid dreams and unfoldings. As explained earlier, some messages we see in dreams can even come from ourselves, unfolding in a higher consciousness, showing some paths that we, as incarnated, still need to travel - in a direct language, even if as a subliminal message, as animals, nature, drawings etc.

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    Like Alice and Neo, it is necessary to know what we really want, to seek solid answers, so that, during sleep, what we cannot see awake, we can perceive and re-signify.

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