double friendship

Have you ever stopped to think that today, with social media, you have to be doubly friendly?

Be a present and active friend both on the networks and in real life. And you play one of these roles with more commitment and quality, that is, you manage to be a better virtual friend than in real life, or, on the contrary, you are more present in real life and don't pay much attention to the virtual, or still, you are the type who can do both roles well?

To become a virtual friend, simply send a friend request and be accepted by the other person. But is that enough? How can I better play this role and nurture this friendship? You can, for example, like the posts of your virtual friends, make constructive comments, if he is sharing the work he does, it is very useful for you to share and encourage him. On his birthday, wish him congratulations and happiness. These are small attitudes, but they can make a difference and strengthen this friendship even more.

double friendship
Research shows that Spanish people spend more than nine hours a day, on average, on the internet. Being that, more than three hours are used to access social networks. You can choose to just scroll through the news feed as a viewer with no interaction. Or you can enjoy those three hours and interact in a friendly way. Some prefer to engage in debates aggressively, resulting in conflict and irritation. Of course, within a friendship, it is possible to disagree, but let it be done in a harmonious way. Remember that choices lead to results.

 Do you participate in their lives and vice versa? Or is it an inactive friendship that only has memories of the past? How about feeding this friendship again? Go to the movies, theater, concerts, restaurants, walk in the park, play a sport together. Make a surprise call on birthday, Christmas, dismissal from a job, death of a loved one, or simply say: “hi, I thought of you today” “I miss you”. Remember how good it is to hear the voice of a loved one, so call more.
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Who knows, maybe even spend less time on social media and pay a visit to that dear friend, give him a hug, since the hug can go where words can't reach. We all need physical contact, we need to feel wanted and loved, although we are often unaware of it. A friendly hug comforts, supports, welcomes, conveys confidence, reassures and balances the nervous system, improves mood and elevates self-esteem, due to the serotonin that is automatically produced during a hug.

Our current world becomes increasingly visual and digital, but we must remember the importance of touch in human relationships. Cultivate great friendships, real, virtual and both, and hug more, so you will have more physical, emotional, mental and spiritual harmony.

Whether in virtual or real friendship, be an active, constructive and loving friend.


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