Don't have New Year's Goals

    The end of a year and the beginning of a new year is a great time to analyze our life, what we have been doing lately, and what we want to change. I remember that, for many years, I waited for this period to make my goals and analyze the year that had passed. Many things worked out, others not so much, which caused me a kind of internal frustration, as I wanted to achieve 100% of the established goals.

    Don't have New Year's Goals

    I started to reflect on these dates one day: why did I need a date to start the diet, or start any project? What if I started today, by the way, now? What would be the problem? If I'm already determined to start a change and/or project, why delay? At this moment, I realized something valuable: a part of me was sabotaging myself, using this new date and often putting it off, in this process of pure self-sabotage. And I didn't even realize it.

    So, that diet that would start the next Monday, started on the same day. Projects began to be planned and put into practice as soon as possible. The only date that set me as a goal now was the completion date, no longer the beginning date.

    Don't have New Year's Goals

    Today they are made and started during the year itself, because the person who started the year will not be the same person who will finish it. You will go through many things, your priorities will change, and most importantly, you will change. Consequently, your goals will also change.

    All I can tell you is that my end of year frustration level has drastically decreased, and many projects that were stopped are completed or in progress. I feel much lighter and I believe this can serve you too, so don't take stock of the end of the year, analyze yourself daily and create your goals according to your needs.

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