Don't give up halfway before thinking about it

When I started the deepest process of my life, in changing the most rooted paradigms, I started doing the things I was most afraid of, but that deep down, I always wanted to do!

I lived in Rio de Janeiro for 15 years and it took me a long time to realize that there was much more than just the beach to enjoy my time.

I reinvented myself after many challenging experiences that, today, connecting the dots from now on, I feel have made all the difference in my journey. Even to get here.

I've been in relationships that didn't work out, I opened companies and invested in many projects that had to be stopped, I waited a long time to take the courses I wanted and all this for what?

To be who I am today!

Don't give up halfway before thinking about it
Simon Migai / Pexels

If I had given up on the first CNPJ opened, back in 2011, I certainly wouldn't be here talking to you. I would be doing something else.

However, each learning process kept me going. Just like babies. Do they think β€œI'm not going to try to walk anymore, this isn't for me”, every time they fall when they take their first steps?

So why do many people give up on their dreams for good when the first obstacles appear?

These issues can be worked on, if we want to proceed in a different way from what we have done so far. We can use as fuel all that we have already experienced, in the highest direction.

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I would love to have had a mentor to help me in these processes, but I didn't. I went looking for a little bit here and there to weave the big patchwork that contributed to this awakening process, and still does.

If we REALLY want something, we can get there!

What have you been dreaming of doing, but, at the same time, feel paralyzed and that's why you haven't been able to take the first step?

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