Dogs: eternal friendship

    Talking about human relationships is always very difficult. Filled with unpredictability, human beings lie, cheat and seek to take advantage of everything. Of course not everyone is like that, but unfortunately, the human race is far from being the most reliable on the planet. Whether it's lifelong disappointments or more than faithful company, many people form very strong bonds with pets, especially dogs.

    Anyone who has or has had the opportunity to have a dog knows all the responsibilities they bring to us. Food, vet, cleaning and other factors take work and cost money, but they are worth it. It is a mistake to give someone a dog as a gift. An absurdity as great as it would be to gift someone with a child. Unlike an object, animals bring us the duty to care for and love them, unlike material goods that we can simply exchange or keep when we get sick.

    Watching the news, we sometimes see news of dog attacks on human beings. Superficially and even ignorantly, some people blame dogs for this behavior. If that made any sense, no human being could walk the streets free because of individuals who commit crimes and act with violence. In the same way that the misconduct of some ends up generating insecurity for all people, the same is said in relation to dogs. If we give affection, care and educate properly, no harm will be done to anyone, the same goes for dogs.

    Dogs: eternal friendship

    The only problem with dogs, and this goes for any pet as well, is that they generally live less than we do. How it hurts to see them leave and go on with life without them Pain is equated with the loss of a loved one! The only difference between dogs and other animals is that they are very close to people, while other pets, such as cats, are more independent. Without judgment of values, each characteristic has its advantage, but this proximity of dogs with people is usually very good, especially for those who live alone and do not have human companionship.

    Having a dog in our lives makes us poorer financially, but it is very good for our soul. It's like having a friend for life and that we can be sure of their company and fidelity. A pity that humans do not always reciprocate with the same generosity the friendship offered by dogs. Enjoy your four-legged friend while you can, so when it's time to leave, the affection of longing is greater than the pain of regret of what could be done to treat him better.

    Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras

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