Does your level of self-esteem classify you as your best friend?

    Imagine the possibility of walking through life with a great friend by your side, either along unknown paths or along that routine path in which you take steps with your eyes closed.

    You may think, β€œthis is impossible; no one can abandon their own life to walk beside me, not even my best friend would do that.”

    And I agree with you. No great friend will be able to fail to fulfill his journey to support him full time on his earthly journey; there will only be parts of the journey that will be common between you, and in that period you can be side by side.

    However, I have great news for you: you can be that great friend who walks by your side full time. I ask you: do you know how to be your great friend or, on the contrary, have you been playing the role of your enemy?

    Note that it often takes a lot of mental effort to highlight the positive aspects of your life, but to highlight your flaws, you are gifted with an exceptional facility for expression! That is, you perceive your flaws much more easily than you perceive your qualities, and that is not a sign of great friendship.

    Intend to reverse this situation, ceasing to be your enemy to become your best friend. A great tip is to give yourself what you expect to receive from dear friends, such as:

    Does your level of self-esteem classify you as your best friend?
    Giulia Bertelli / Unsplash

    Be there when you need to, in good times and in pain.

    Be loyal to the friendship conquered.

    Knowing how to listen – listening to exactly what is being said, with all the patience in the world and without judgment, because listening is an act of generosity.

    Encourage and support the achievement of goals.

    Show love through affection and attitudes.

    Be honest, speak your mind clearly and respectfully.

    Establish trust that strengthens the bond of friendship.

    Tolerate – there will be setbacks that need to be overcome.

    • Steps to practice self-love
    • about self love
    • Self-love and how you can change your life
    • Learn to deal with feelings in difficult times
    • Transform your life with these 5 habits

    If you enjoy receiving all of this and more from your friends, why not do the same for yourself? In addition to getting the best from your best friends, give yourself that best too! Behave like your best friend, treat yourself lovingly, this is a sign of self-love. Remember that, even if initially it is not easy to treat yourself in a more friendly way, thinking or talking about good without putting it into practice is living pretending goodness to yourself and others.

    The main tool of Quantum Kinesiology, muscle testing, shows that what is good for us strengthens and what is not beneficial for us weakens muscle tone. Want to get stronger? Do good to yourself, love yourself – this task takes daily practice. When you love yourself, you will also express yourself in a loving way. So you win and everyone wins!

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