Does money bring happiness?

    A few days ago my son asked me a question:

    "Mom, does money bring happiness?"

    Faced with this question that encompasses so many things, so many beliefs and even dogmas, I was led to a deep reflection...

    During our growth, we are bombarded by ready-made phrases that make us see money as something bad, sometimes even disgusting, which, as a child, confuses and unconsciously forms beliefs that will be stored in our unconscious and that will greatly affect our now and our future...

    If you have at any time in your life attended a church of any denomination, you have surely heard or read:

    “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”—(Luke 18:24-25).

    You are walking in a shopping center with your parents, uncles or grandparents and you deeply desire that toy that is in the window. When you ask, listen:

    “Do you think money grows on trees?”.

    Does money bring happiness?
    Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash / Me Without Borders

    With all ingenuity, he imagines a tree full of hanging coins. pleasure I! (even because I still didn't know the dollar or euro).

    You observe a circle of adults talking and this sentence appears:

    "You can't have money the way the country is."


    He went to his school friend's house for a birthday party and observed that he had a huge television, a collection of toys you only have one, a maid and a house with a swimming pool, so when he gets home he says: “So-and-so is rich, they even have a swimming pool at their house”. And his parents say:

    "Money does not bring happiness".


    There are many other phrases, but surely you have heard one of these at some point in your childhood, right?


    Let's think together…

    We need to understand that money is energy, so it can only exist if there is movement, right?

    The movement I am referring to here is that of exchange: we can only enjoy it if we allow its flow…


    Although money is an illusion in the energy sense, that doesn't mean it doesn't have power over us!

    That said, let’s talk about her (energy) or his (money) relationship with happiness…

    Happiness really isn't something you buy, nor is it tied to some kind of dependency and need.

    Does money bring happiness?
    Pixabay / Pexels

    When we came to this plane, we came “from the factory”, perfect in all our layers, in the sense of body, mind and spirit; we arrive being love, peace, health and happiness. With time and the acquisition of beliefs, we end up losing ourselves in essence and come to believe that happiness depends on the external, when in fact it is totally internal, it is already in us, we just need to access it...

    So, answering my son's question, I would say no, money doesn't bring happiness, solely because it already exists in me.


    Money brings us many benefits, which consequently raise our vibration of happiness…

    When we can eat something, when we can take a trip, when we are generous, when we practice charity, when we buy a car, a house, when we fulfill a material dream... exists.

    But listen.

    Money, like all energy, has no conscience, so it has no morals. It is up to us to attribute morality to it through our use of it. It is up to us to give him a representation in our life.

    If at any point you decide to treat money as a god, a ruler, a condition or give it the power to access your essence, I'm sorry to say, but money can become an issue.

    Does money bring happiness?
    Frantisek Krejci / Pixabay

    Then I ask you: can only people who have a lot of money be considered rich?


    Anyone can be considered rich, because it always depends on one's point of view…

    Anyone can be considered rich, as long as they are satisfied with what they have…

    These days, standing at a traffic light in the city, I watched a homeless person taking a selfie across the street. He smiled! And I thought: he's happy! Immediately my heart was filled with happiness too, and I felt like? Happy and rich! Even though there's no money involved, you know?


    Money has different meanings for each of us, and the way the other sees money or how we see it depends on the moment of life experienced. We should not judge, under any circumstances. In fact, it is not up to us to judge anything or anyone at any time, not even ourselves…

    So, once we understand the power of money energy, I have a suggestion…

    Try to do the opposite way, turning all your inner wealth into outer wealth. The more and more we do this, the richer the world will become, so let's believe that giving the world what God has given us in essence is far more enriching than putting what the world offers us as a leader in our lives...

    But that's just my point of view...

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    “I wish you to earn money

    'Cause you have to live too

    And that you tell him, at least once,

    Who really owns whom…” — (“Love to start over”, Frejat).

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