Does happiness need law? Do I need law to be happy?

Hello how are you? Today I want to start by asking: did you know that happiness has a special day dedicated to it? Are you saying that there is no day for happiness, that every day is special and that we can always be happy?

Yes, I totally agree… But we do have a day dedicated to happiness

In fact, this date was established by the United Nations (UN) in 2012 and brings us a curiosity: it was inspired by a country that measures the happiness index of its people. Just as we have the measure of the gross domestic product (GDP), it is as if we measure the development of a country through the happiness index of its people!

Does happiness need law? Do I need law to be happy?
Unsplash/Eye for Ebony

And I found this very interesting when I read it, because this country, Bhutan (and others that measure), believes that happy people are more productive. Yes, I know. We already know that, it's a fact.

But imagine, if more countries were concerned with this index and put into practice actions that seek this happiness.

But no, that doesn't exist, unfortunately, we don't have that, at least I've never heard of this concern in España, so declared.

But if we don't have this condition in our country, how can we do it? Are we lost then?!

No, calm down, we have a solution, because happiness is in us, inside us and no, we don't need law and government to be happy. We do need to meet the most important person, which is us.

And this meeting with ourselves is the path to any happiness. Yes, my happiness depends on me, so who should do this search is myself!

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And I must choose if I will only have happy moments or if I will have a happy life!

Want to find happiness? A tip: she is in the encounter with herself and in her inner search (which may have nothing to do with spirituality), but it is an encounter with herself!

Yes, it's repetitive, but really, this is something we need to "live": our happiness depends on us and only us!

Does happiness need law? Do I need law to be happy?
Unsplash/frank mckenna

So look for reasons, ways, ways and ways to find happiness and don't be surprised if, in the end, you discover that it has always been inside you! A hug and see you next.

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