Documentary Reflection: The True Cost (2015)

Some documentaries expose a harsh reality that we are not always aware of. One of them concerns the production of clothing, especially for women. It is already possible to see by the number of stores aimed at the female public how much we are charged to have certain pieces in the closet so that we are in fashion.

Sometimes we end up paying cheap for a piece that is a replica of the famous brand, just to have it in the closet. The problem is that we can't even imagine the exploitation behind a piece that costs only R$10! Not that the brands that charge dearly for a piece are correct, but it is necessary to start reflecting on the way clothes are produced and that is what the documentary shows. 'The real cost'.

Documentary Reflection: The True Cost (2015)

Exploitation of labor

In the documentary, it is possible to see that fast-fashion clothes can be the result of a great exploitation of labor. How is it possible to pay for a product, employee, company and still profit by charging little for a part? Obviously, someone is failing to win.

Therefore, it is not always good to buy that very cheap piece. The documentary shows alternatives. He suggests that you buy from the person who produces clothes in your region, from the fair. Of course, brands concerned with the material they use are emerging and that's good, but it's worth giving a chance to that lady who recycles parts and sells. And that goes for every object.

It is also worth reflecting on how much we really need to buy. If you pay attention to the media, you will see that you will never reach a good rating and that it will be impossible to always be in fashion. That's because a new fashion will always appear, showing that you should buy again!

The great reflection behind and that is valid for your life is to think first about the pieces that are in your closet. Do you use them all? Have you ever bought a piece that you didn't use? How is your relationship with clothes? Is there no other feeling behind? When you buy clothes, are you happy or wanting to get rid of some feeling, like sadness?

These are some reflections that we can start. You have to think about the production of clothes. How about buying more thrift store pieces? If you really need it, it's worth making exchanges with friends, borrowing. There is this very good platform (Tem Açúcar) to borrow things. Be wary of this love in shopping, because something may be behind it. And when you can, watch the documentary!

Images: Disclosure

Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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