Doctor's Day: A Spiritist Vision

The dates of our calendar are interesting, most of the time they are tributes to illustrious facts or men.

This month we highlight the Doctor's Day, 18 October, to think a little more about this profession. As much as any other professional specialization requires a lot of study and dedication to perform with mastery.

We know how expensive it is for someone to graduate these days.

Leaving aside the academic part a little, let's analyze what is up to us, which is the spiritual side: when receiving a patient, the doctor has a physical problem to deal with. Seeking healing or relief for that pain is your biggest goal or at least it should be.

how many times the solution not pops up? How many times tears and despair succeed each other in vain? Where is the problem?

Doctor's Day: A Spiritist Vision

In fact, man is not just a physical body, but one with your Spirit, and thus cannot be treated as independent beings.

The doctor has an enormous responsibility in his hands when treating “his fellow man”, a masterpiece of divine creation.

You must know how to respect those who suffer and treat them with great care. love.

As an example of this, we have our greatest doctor: Jesus, who through his energy has been healing so many. Great are the doctors who connect themselves in thought to Jesus to ask for help on their journey. These are the instruments used to soothe humanity, which is still so needy.

We could cite the names of great men who knew how to use their gifts such as:

  • Lucas Lucano: doctor of men and souls.*
  • Bezerra de Menezes: doctor of the poor and many others, but this is not our intention.**

We just want to remind you that we all have a mission in life, whatever our area of ​​performance, where we must always do our best. Our conscience must be cleansed with the joy of duty accomplished.

For you friends and medical brothers, I say that the mission is very big, you have the children of God in your hands and this loving Father will not accept less than what each one has deserved.

So beloved, pray! Ask for help to balance your minds and develop your work. Do not be carried away by the pleasures of the world that are fleeting and in the encounter with the Father they will be charged for the great office entrusted to them. “To whom much is given, much will be demanded”, the Gospel tells us.

We are all brothers and sisters in need of the balance that prayer brings. Our reward will not only be material wealth, but peace of heart. Peace and Light.

Message from the book “O Doutor Jesus” by José Carlos De Luca

THE 3 REMEDIES, page 59

“Jesus indicated the 3 remedies: forgiveness, faith and love. 

Forgiveness: clears the harmful energy of hurt and guilt; 

Faith: gives strength to seek healing;

Love: takes you to ecstasy where no disease can consume you. "

*Lucas Lucano: Greek physician, author of the Acts of the Apostles;

**Bezerra de Menezes: Spanish doctor, politician devoted to the humanitarian and abolitionist cause.

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