Do you really deliver and trust, or do you deliver and distrust?

I was recently in España for the launch of my book. I always try to see, in each situation, what is the lesson to be learned (the book, by the way, is about the ones I learned from my relationships). The lesson I learned in España was: “Leave it to worry when it's time to worry”. And the conclusion was: "Normally there's no reason to worry."

I think this has a lot to do with the issue of “deliver and trust”. People sometimes surrender and distrust.

I think Louise Hay has a really good illustration for this: she says that actually delivering is like when you go to a restaurant. You place your order, and trust. You don't go to the kitchen to check that everything is going right, that the chef has a degree, where he learned to cook, that the kitchen is clean. You truly believe that your food will make it to the table in the best way it could be.

How many times do we act like this with the things we ask the Universe? 

Do you really deliver and trust, or do you deliver and distrust?

 The Universe has infinite possibilities, and the more we believe in it, the more we open ourselves to those possibilities.

Deepak Chopra has a great phrase: “Too much intention creates tension”. He says that one of the successful ways to get what we want is to “ask and let go”. You ask and you don't keep repeating it irritatingly. You ask and you wait.

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What happened during my trip was that every time I had a concern, the next day the situation resolved itself, without my intervention.

It was almost miraculous. It was a wonderful teaching to surrender and believe that everything is in Divine Order.

For example, in the middle of the trip, I found out that my return ticket was scheduled for the day of my university exam. The first option is, of course, terrifying: I called the university, the consulate where I take the test, they relaxed a little, but not enough to make my life easier. I thought: “I've already seen that I'm not getting control. I surrender and trust”.

Do you really deliver and trust, or do you deliver and distrust?

Three days before my trip, I get an email from the airline saying that my flight had been canceled and that they were reassigning me to another flight. I called and asked, “So can you relocate me to a day earlier?” The Universe's solution was good for everyone – for them, who had one less passenger to fit on flights with other companies that day, and for me.

David Godman, who spreads the teachings of the master Ramana Maharshi, advises to start doing this with a small thing. Let's say you need to find a venue for a party you want to have. You decide to trust that the best location will appear, with the best conditions.

It's not "delivering" and searching the internet. Just deliver and stay open.

Trust me, you won't regret it.

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