Do you know who has impeded your success?

    You know when you really want something, write, dream, but it never happens and you get frustrated with it? It's because someone has impeded your success.

    Do you know who? You!

    The responsibility for things going right or not in your life is entirely yours! Stop once and for all finding blame. It's not the economy, politics, your parents, the "envious", it's nobody but yourself!

    Success doesn't come as long as you choose self-indulgence. He doesn't come to people who choose to watch another series marathon while he could be outlining new strategies to reach his goal. Success doesn't come to people who think it's just a matter of thinking positive and closing their eyes to imagine themselves β€œthere” that everything will magically come true.

    Do you know who has impeded your success?
    Aaronmat / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Do you know when success comes? In the action you don't take. When you make a commitment to yourself! Understand that everything is interconnected. That the way you live your life, and especially if you treat and treat other people, will determine where you will be. Success has a name and it's called "self-knowledge". From the day you start dealing with external issues as an internal reflection, you will realize that everything is a matter of waking up to start doing differently. Live differently than you have done until today.

    Read some books, do therapies, take medicine, if necessary, as your doctor prescribes, but meet your self. Dive into your process and wake up to be who you are!

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    Stop self-sabotaging! Stop going out to get distracted by frivolous things while you could be investing in yourself. Learn to work and take care of your source of income, understand that the way you take care of your home says a lot about you, observe how you have responded to people and related to all of them. Instead of reacting, stop and observe everything around you and respond with awareness.

    The day you start putting your inner house in order, everything around you will improve and success will follow.

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