Do you know what Property Violence is?

    Property violence is a form of abuse that can happen in all types of relationships, from flirting, dating and even longer-lasting marriages.

    In dating apps, for example, most of those who are looking for affective partnerships should be very attentive if the conversations, even if subtly, start to involve financial matters. If they don't stay awake, blindly believing in the old romantic formulas and swearing in the name of love without any questioning, there is a serious risk of embarking in leaky canoes.

    It would be wise for anyone who is going through a new affective bet, first of all, to observe with caution and a certain distance all the movements during the game of seduction. Any type of encounter, no matter how fortuitous it may seem, can hide personality traits that are difficult to detect at first, so be careful.

    Property violence, for example, is a topic that is still little publicized, but extremely recurrent in our times. It encompasses a series of psychological manipulations that have the ability to drastically confuse the minds of their victims to the point that many of them, totally deceived and literally numbed by the inferred enchantments, come to lose real fortunes at the hands of sociopaths, social psychopaths and perverse narcissists.

    At first, the macabre objective of these predators concerns the violation of possessions, money and heritage, then the total destruction of identity and, in the end, abandonment. In some cases, depending on the possibilities of benefiting from some inheritance, there is still a wait for the psychological or physical bankruptcy of their prey.

    It is incredible to note the manipulative ability that such wolves in sheep's clothing have, they manage to pass themselves off as victims like no one else, convincing their targets in such a surprising way, that they come to feel such compassion, that if they could they would tear off their own clothes. of the body to offer these false sufferers. They have the prowess of making a real kidnapping in the soul of any unsuspecting person who has some kind of goods and values ​​in evidence.

    Such usurpers will only give up their goals when they come across awakened people, who have a survival instinct and intuition activated, added to the knowledge on the subject. On these occasions, the possible targets of these manipulators, when noticing a slight smell of bad nature in the air, more than quickly, will protect themselves by entering an escape route.

    Without awareness of these urban possibilities, ordinary people can easily fall into the webs of such predators.

    Do you know what Property Violence is?

    Both men and women can dress them up as good guys and poor people, but they are not the opposite, absolutely everyone on this spectrum is highly developed in the art of seduction and persuasion. When they put their victims in captivity, they manage to make girlfriends, lovers, wives, flirts and others, hand over goods and values ​​that they have often accumulated with a lot of sweat, over a lifetime. They convince them to lend them money, make purchases on their credit cards and others, all with the unlikely promise that someday they will pay off their debts. They invent the most absurd stories, managing to manipulate the unsuspecting to the point of buying everything for them, entering into shady deals, etc.

    Stories in this sense are not lacking and are more common than you can imagine. Once, a girl fell for the seductive tale of a guy at the company they both worked for and was skillfully convinced by him to help him buy a car on her card, but in his name. Although this girl was a person with a certain professional success, knowing how to deal adequately with the vicissitudes of life, she still fell into the seductive web of this predator. She was tricked in such a way that at the end of the story she ended up without the car money, without the car and of course, without it.

    Many of these types, in the midst of their unfounded promises of eternal love, suddenly arrive with suitcases and bags at the homes of their targets. If victims don't wake up quickly, they end up taking care of everything related to money and possessions, and if they happen to have children, with their abusive tactics, they interfere with education drastically. They will set rules about friends, social life, work and everything else, until their prey's life completely collapses.

    There are couples living for years in this kind of demand, in seriously unhealthy marriages. With the passage of time and due to so much invasion in the psyche, even the cognitive capacity of the victims involved is impaired and most of them are not even aware of the size of the damage that occurs in their lives.

    The good news, however, is that in these cases, thanks to the event of Brain Neuroplasticity that can be activated by brain reprocessing therapies such as EMDR and Brainspotting, there is a possibility that the rescue of life can happen. Through these psychotherapies, a recovery process that could be long, usually occurs at maximum speed and has greatly helped in the reinvention of countless people traumatized by all kinds of abuse.

    During the process of recovering their identities, it can happen that such partners become more aggressive, trying all kinds of tricks in the name of stealing even more money and emotional health from their victims, who now fearlessly, aided by the therapy process and, often by lawyers, they enter with full force so that the rescue of life can happen.

    The biggest lesson for victims is knowing that where there is love, there can be no demands, intimidation, threats or insertion of blame and that absolutely no one owes anyone anything, especially with regard to goods and patrimony. 

    The more awake, the better! Your life is and always will be your highest good. Now and ever.

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