Do you know what Aura Reading is?

Aura reading, accessing the akashic records or psychic development, these are the names for the same technique.

Although still in formation and training of the aura reading, I like to be transparent and I follow the rules of the Escola de Leitura de Aura de Piracanga. It is important for everyone to know that for the person to be considered an aura reading therapist they need 5 Auras (courses / retreats), I have 3 for now.

The Soul Reading is done by themes: it can be done the General Reading, the Chakra Reading the Thematic or the Relationships. Shall we understand a little about all this?

Let's start by explaining a little about the terminology used:
Will have:

"The aura is the energy field that surrounds each being". It is an evolutionary energetic force, which brings together all our physical and metaphysical information, which sustains life and characterizes the human being. Without it, we could not exist. It is an X-ray of all our lives from the moment of our spiritual formation and contains data about the past and about the present life. The aura reading, then, is nothing more than an interpretation of how an individual's energy field is, that is, what energies he is transmitting to those around him.

Through this technique it is possible to rescue dormant aspects of the unconscious to be worked with conscience. Reading is a healing tool that allows us to get in touch with our truth, bringing clarity to our mind, to our heart, releasing blockages and stagnant energy.

Akashic Records:

(Akasha is a Sanskrit word that means “sky”, “space” or “ether”), according to Hinduism and various mystical currents, it is a body of knowledge mystically stored in the ether, which encompasses everything that occurs, has occurred and will occur. in the Universe.

The Akasha is a library of every soul's actions, thoughts and emotions that had a place on planet Earth and other planetary systems. All events, large or small, are permanently recorded in the electromagnetic grid of the planet and the cosmos.

Past lives or collective unconscious memory:

The main thing is to observe what you are repeating or what you can learn, sometimes you are not allowed to see the past life, who commands this is your spirit. In reading we do not see the negative, we see the learning. This therapy aims to get to know past lives that are associated with behavioral patterns in the present moment and that prevent us from being happier or healthier, without resorting to regression therapies.

We see colors, images and past lives that tell us about the other person's inner state, their challenges and lessons to learn.

It is a stimulating and highly beneficial work for the person who deals with it, as it has the opportunity to release and transform what was stagnant, seeing the intentions that are behind the often unconscious behaviors of the people we interact with in our day. day by giving us specific tools to better deal with these situations.

Oracle of Illumination:

Do you know what Aura Reading is?In it you will find messages of light, awareness and clarity for the present moment. At the end of the reading you take a letter and we read the message in the book. It serves as a complement to reading.

Aura reading can heal (energetically, emotionally and consciously).

For it dissolves the nodes that remain in our Aura. Everyone has an aura, it is like a bubble of light, sound and spiritual feelings that surrounds each person. The aura is a wellspring of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Without it, we could not exist.  

During a Reading, various information is revealed about energetic characteristics that the person has at the present moment, including blockages or repetitive patterns that must be unblocked or overcome in the sense of healing and increased self-awareness. Reading brings to consciousness information about blocks and potentialities and methods to transmute or develop.

Throughout the Reading, energetic cleanings are carried out for the person's Supreme Good, but it is the person's responsibility to put Intention and Focus on this Transmutation and Liberation and work on a daily basis to modify/improve their own attitudes and decisions.

The expression “Know thyself!” is still very true! If we know ourselves, we have the possibility of carrying out a conscious and productive work of transforming energies.

The Aura Reading session is guided by the person's spirit, the Higher Self, the purest and most connected part of the person. These are the parts that tell you what information is important today and tells you exactly what you need to know.

It is our spirit that will tell you what is important to be addressed in a session, whereas the aura reader is just a channel.

You hear what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

Through a meditation technique, we use the third eye chakra, having the possibility to transform vibrations into images and sensations, using the communication senses of clairaudience (hearing) and clairvoyance (seeing) and clairsentience (knowing). 

Through the images and symbolic messages that appear, the symbolic meaning of the same (image, meaning and message) is detailed. The interpretation is not made by the therapist, but is indicated by the Higher Self of the one receiving the reading.

Investigate the origin and what to do to get out of this situation, it is the spirit of the interpreter that will give suggestions and it is he who decides what to do… If patterns are changed or continue as is. The choice is yours.

Remembering that in reading we don't see the negative, we see the learning. To listen to your inner voice and evolve.

Reading can be done whenever the person wishes. Remembering that it is a tool that brings messages to the present moment, that is, we can receive two readings in the same week or month, but if the present moment has not changed much, it is possible that you receive repeated messages.

Important information for those who will receive the reading:
  • Do not cross your arms or legs while reading to prevent energy from circulating.
  • Drink at least 1,5 liters of water within 24 hours, water is a conductor of energy.
  • During the reading, the driver will have his eyes closed and “play” with the images that appear. The person being read keeps his eyes open and if he wants to take important notes, but everything will be recorded so that the person can listen as many times as he wants.
  • Questions may be asked if related to reading, but it is important not to interrupt the conductor. 
  • At the end, the person being read will place their hands on the floor to release the excess energy that was moved during the reading, spending the necessary time imagining the energy going to the center of the earth to be transmuted.
  • The chakras are sometimes connected like a gear and this makes one subject linked to the other. 
  • About past lives, the main thing is to observe what you are repeating or what you can learn, sometimes you are not allowed to see the past life. Who guides this is your own spirit.
  • In reading we do not see the negative, we see the learning. To listen to your inner voice and evolve. 
  • Silence is essential at the opening of the reading and at the end
  • Draw a card from the Oracle of Illumination. 
  • If you go in person, bring a Pen drive to take the reading already recorded or I'll send it by email.

Read more about the power of Aura:

read your aura

Relationships and aura reading

Aura reading theme

Energetic dynamics of aura reading

Aura reading in groups

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