Do you know self-motivation?

In my opinion, this is one of the great foundations of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). It comes from the need to motivate yourself, to be inspired to accomplish tasks or anything else you want.

Motivating yourself makes you overcome barriers, create positive situations without prioritizing difficulties. Self-motivation projects you to success. A self-motivated person does not waste time and goes in search of success, he is naturally inspired.

There is a very famous parable in sales that refers to two executives. Both were sent to India by two competing shoe manufacturers with the intention of analyzing the viability of sales in the region.

The first arrived, called España and said:

— Boss, we won't be successful here, nobody wears shoes.

Then the second executive calls España and asks his superior:

— Boss can double the number of machines. Nobody wears shoes here, let's sell like never before!

Do you know self-motivation?
Unsplash/Razvan Chisu

This is the difference between a self-motivated person and someone who only sees difficulties.

Both are in the same situation, with the same challenge, the difference is that the self-motivated sees opportunities, sees challenges and envisions overcoming them, that is, success. Meanwhile, the other professional only sees difficulties and discards the possibility of acting.

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There is a very famous quote by Paulo Coelho that corroborates this well:

“When you want something, the whole universe conspires to make you want it.”

Remember, you create the opportunities, your success depends solely on you.

Do you know self-motivation?
Unsplash/Gabrielle Henderson

Being self-motivated is a state of mind for good, believing and seeing success where everyone sees difficulties and defeats. Creating positive situations attracts positive vibes from the universe and everything starts to conspire in your favor.

Do what has to be done and believe in success or failure is your decision. So what do you think about believing in success?

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