Do you always want to please people?

    To answer this question, I ask you another one: how much time of your day do you live for yourself and how much time do you live for others? You can think, analyze, reflect and enter the wildest daydreams, what matters is to respond with conviction.

    If you come to the conclusion that the time you live for others is longer, be alert! It is worth saying that what I mean here by “living for others” is not just about living to help others or serving children and partners, for example. What I mean is if you care more than you should about other people's opinions, if you want to please other people all the time or even if you cancel yourself so that others can want you around. 

    Such an attitude, seen as beneficial in the short term or altruistic depending on the point of view, can be a real shot in the foot for those who perform it often. After all, living to please others means being who you are not and overruling your own desires.

    Note that everything that is done in excess is not beneficial to anyone, and even people who benefit from this way of always wanting to please, will invariably get tired at some point. Because no one can wear masks for a long time and when yours takes off a little bit, many people will see your lack of authenticity on the negative side of the thing. Hardly anyone will see that you did all this because you wanted to be accepted.

    Yes, if you haven't realized it yet, this need to please others Do you always want to please people?people all the time indicates low self-esteem, a need to be accepted, and extreme insecurity. When the goal is not achieved, then it can generate depression, anxiety crises, panic syndrome, among other psychic diseases.

    Keep in mind that you must please yourself first and foremost, and that people will approach you for who you really are and have to offer. Don't waste time trying to adapt to the world, after all, there are people of the most different types out there and, without a doubt, some of them will identify with you. Relax, life can be a lot less tough than you think.

    Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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