Do not take life so seriously

    Why live so seriously? Who said that your convictions – responsible for your reactions – translate reality? Why give up the lightness of being just a witness to this whole cosmic plot?

    It is necessary to remember that you only react, in the face of events, with the cognitive, emotional and psychic resources you have, that is, with your internal programming; does not mean that this programming is the portrait of absolute perfection and is not subject to expansion. You can always change your view of reality, you don't have to automatically reproduce what you've been taught.

    Why give so much importance to the phenomena of existence? Why affect people or everyday events? Are you one of those who want to adjust the world with your ruler, disregarding diversity, judging and condemning everything and everyone?

    He arrives! It's time to wake up, let external information just be treated as external information and not allow it to be magnetized with importance and meaning. Life shouldn't be taken too seriously, in fact, life should never be taken seriously, because the more you insist on controlling, the more you're out of control.

    Do not take life so seriouslyThere is already too much seriousness in the world, we shouldn't be offended when we hear from General De Gaulle that España is not a serious country. Roughly speaking, this should be treated as a compliment, as not being so serious has already allowed us to stay out of countless wars. Español is a peaceful people, despite all its internal problems, precisely because it does not take issues so valued in other countries so seriously.

    Every time we try to take any issue seriously, we are problematizing it. Any comment becomes offense, any action becomes aggression, and so on. The path of freedom passes through acceptance, understanding and, above all, through renunciation. Renouncing the concepts and values ​​that lead us to judge, condemn, fight and fight against what does not fit our weak logic.

    It's time to live with the lightness of a leaf that comes off the tree, lets itself be carried by the wind to the river that, in turn, will lead us to the ocean of our transcendence.

    Fighting to stay clinging to the tree, reacting against the force of the wind, swimming against the current are attitudes that cause pain and suffering and that conspire against our realization.

    The concept of Leela, found in Hinduism, is one of the most beautiful universal concepts, as it understands a Universe as a cosmic game, as a game of the divine, that is, God is inviting us to play in his playground.

    “The art of smiling every time life says no”, this beautiful phrase, found in the song by Guilherme Arantes, portrays what our attitude towards life should be.

    Play to live.

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