Do I deserve it?

    Do you think that a plant asks itself if it deserves the fertile soil where it takes root or the rain that falls so that it grows and develops?

    Imagine a flower responding to a compliment: “I'm not even that pretty, it's your eyes”.

    Do you think a little bird that finds more food than it's used to wonders if it deserved so much? "Wow, I didn't even try that hard today, I don't deserve so much food".

    Well, plants and animals do not have a belief in worthiness, but 98% of us have at some level of intensity recorded in their subconscious the belief of unworthiness.

    When we are born, we do not question whether or not we are worthy of what we receive. Our beliefs are formed throughout life, and with greater intensity in early childhood. 

    Our brain is like a computer, and beliefs are the programs that make it work. In this way, we can have the best computer in the world, but if it is operating with the wrong programs, it will not have the desired results.

    We accept love, money, health, in short, the life we ​​believe we deserve. 

    As much as you consciously consider yourself to be a good, competent and deserving person, this is often not what your subconscious believes. Have you ever found yourself thinking: “Wow, so-and-so is too much sand for my little truck”, or even, “Ah! I don't want to get rich, I just want to have money to pay the bills”, or even judging the other: “So-and-so doesn't deserve what he has”.

    Our personal beliefs are reinforced by collective belief, seeking to find reasons so that we can deserve what we receive.

    Phrases such as: “Easy come, easy go”, “No pain, no gain”, are said every day, further reinforcing the belief in maximum effort.

    We have to work hard to deserve what we have, that's why so many grand prize winners end up losing it all, they don't feel like they deserved that money or that good.

    Want to find out how your beliefs are? Start by doing a self-assessment:

    How do you feel when you receive a gift? When someone offers to buy you coffee, dinner, or anything else? 

    Do you accept and enjoy calmly, or do you need to find a way to reciprocate in order to feel better?

    Do you know how to receive compliments and thank him naturally or do you need to reduce yourself and return him immediately?

    If they praise your clothes or some material good, do you simply thank them or do you need to say that “It was cheap”, “I bought it on sale”, “Oh, this is old, I've had it for a while”?

    When you receive a promotion or purchase a valuable asset, do you take advantage of it or do you need to make a list of how much effort you put in to get there?

    When you buy something for yourself or spend it on things you like, do you enjoy it or feel guilty in the end?

    Are you in a relationship where you are not treated as you would like, but you insist on staying anyway?

    Do I deserve it?

    It's not about belittling hard work and dedication.

    If we want something, we must dedicate ourselves to this objective in the best way, but things don't have to be difficult and sacrificing.

    Beliefs are thoughts, and thoughts can be changed! And if you believe that "dick that is born crooked, never straightens", know that this is also a belief.

    Knowing how to enjoy what comes easily without questioning or justifying, is believing in the fluidity of life.

    It's acting with confidence, like plants and animals, and believing that we deserve the best. 

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