Do books influence your life?

    Are you a person who has the habit of reading? Did you know that it could have changed your life without you even noticing?

    The books we read greatly influence what we think, how we think, and why we think. It's a connection to the answers we need to evolve.

    Getting in touch with someone else's word is very important. Like other arts, reading plays a crucial role in filling the gaps in our soul with stories and inspiration. It is thanks to books that many people have decided to take a turn in life.

    Expression through words is just as important as speech and helps us explore unfamiliar sides of the mind. Expression through reading connects us with our true feelings and with the world around us.

    “A person who has the habit of reading becomes more focused and able to dialogue”

    It is also through reading that we transport ourselves to the unknown and feed our imagination.

    Books have a different effect on each reader, allowing a greater perception of the world, changing the way we think, act and feel things.

    No wonder we feel sad when we finish a book. We ended up connecting so much to the characters, to the environment, as if we were reading a piece of our life, meeting a friend. Sometimes we feel that the story was based on our own experiences, thus making reading a moment of self-knowledge.

    Some people believe that a book can change a life – and it is. Several readers and writers report experiences of renewal after creating or reading a story.

    Most of the time, people who have difficulty socializing look to the book for a kind of comfort and friendship. Books are actually means of transport that allow us to think deeply and get to know the best in each person, including ourselves.

    There are reports all over the world of people who were lonely, sick, confined to a bed, who read a book so inspiring that it was able to give them the necessary courage so that they didn't give up. Some even started writing their own story, based on favorite characters from other books.

    Do books influence your life?
    Nguyen Thu Hoai / Unsplash

    Reading is a chain of good. The influence of a book on social behavior can be enormous, as those who read it feel understood and start looking for people who feel that way too. Shy people can connect with the world through reading.

    It's no wonder that literary sagas like Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings are a success all over the world, creating communities, games and encounters even after so many years of ending. What matters is the message that is conveyed and not how long ago it was conveyed. The message that a book sends has no expiration date.

    Reading makes us dive into another world, noticing what we are unable to hear and see inside. Those who read pay more attention to their surroundings and are able to connect with others.

    A book can influence a person's life forever. This was the case of Luiz Fernando Veríssimo, a shy child who found ways to express himself in reading and writing, becoming today one of the most humorous authors in Spain.

    It's not easy to nurture the habit of reading in the age of technology, but it's worth it. Reading works as a medicine for the soul and helps a lot in human relationships, changing social life and enabling a new vision of the world.

    The benefits of reading are numerous and can be psychological, physical or emotional”

    Reading helps in personal development, stimulating reflection on our values ​​and thoughts. It's a great way to relax the mind and stimulate our creativity and willingness to learn.

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    The person who reads does not know loneliness, is not sad or bored for long. Talking about what you read is also a great way to make friends, always yielding interesting topics and debates that stimulate your mind.

    The information present in a book is valuable. There are books on all kinds of subjects, so the information contained in the pages can help in all walks of life.

    Create the habit of reading and evolve!

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