Do a detox in your life: friendships, food and things

Did you know that there are ways to detox your life that don't involve food? Here are some tips you can put into practice for your “new year, new life”.

1. Detoxify your food

If you think you've been fooled around this holiday season and ended up overdoing it with sugars, processed foods, and those snacks you've been trying to avoid all year, maybe a quick detox diet is right for you.

Do a detox in your life: friendships, food and thingsDetoxing your body can be done anywhere from 3 to 21 days and you can focus on adding healthy foods to your diet or eliminating others like sugar, meats or pasta. You can try juices or some other diet that is healthy for your lifestyle. A new way of eating will cleanse your body, eliminate those toxins that your body insists on storing, and leave you full of energy for this coming 2017. Also, remember to drink lots of water!

2. Detox your social life

Detoxifying your social life can help you have more focus and clarity in this new year. Don't know how to start? Try any (or all) of these tips.

  • Clean up your social media. If you don't know someone, if you don't have any kind of interaction (other than invitations to play Candy Crush) and you don't have any interest in what's going on in his or her life, it's time to clean up. There's no need to fill your news feed with information from people you don't really care about.
  • Delete numbers you don't know or don't want to have on your phone anymore. If you can't remember the last time you called, texted, or thought about this contact, delete it from your phone.
  • Unsubscribe from electronic mailings that you no longer wish to receive. How many hours do you spend a day choosing which email to read? Focus on the important emails, the rest you can put in your spam box or unsubscribe.
3. Detox your closet

If you still have clothes from years ago or from a different period of your life in your closet, it's time to let go. Make your wardrobe represent who you are today, not who you were two years ago. If you haven't worn an item of clothing a single day last year (and you have no intention of wearing it this year), donate. Don't put away your clothes just because of the thought "If I ever have a party to go to...". Someone will be very grateful to receive what you no longer need or want.

When we reminisce about old times or overthink or assume that we need something, we end up wasting a lot of our time and energy. What really matters is your health, the people you love and how you choose to live your life…not the “things” you have.

Don't let unregulated eating, social overload or even unnecessary things guide your path in this new year. You need to make room for new things to come into your life, new opportunities, new people and even new clothes. Detox your lifestyle so maybe you can start this new year refreshed and ready for what the world has to offer.

Text written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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