divine forgiveness

    We were debating a topic when the monitor entered the room and enlightened us.

    He told us that earthly life is only a moment within the divine infinity, although to those who live it it seems eternal and unique. The purpose of this experience is to promote representations conducive to development in what each living being lacks.

    The rich are given to experience opulence and will be charged for how they used them, the poor are offered to learn tolerance and so on, all will be scrutinized on what they have learned. When they return to earth, they will repeat the subjects in which they did not do well.

    β€œSo here we are for punishment, grieving for our mistakes? I asked.

    "No punishments, God is a good father and the good father teaches us to do better, we earthly beings enjoy divine forgiveness," the monitor replied promptly.

    - Now! If I have to repeat the lesson, what forgiveness is this?

    Henceforth only he spoke, we only listened.

    - Let's remember:

    Peter, approaching the master, asked him: β€œHow many times will my brother sin against me, and I will forgive him? Up to seven?” .

    divine forgiveness
    thainoipho / Canva

    In reply he got that not until seven; but, up to seventy times seven. That is, infinitely.

    Let us reflect on some teachings:

    According to the philosophy of yoga, forgiveness is one of the ways of duty. It is a virtue that opens the door to light. It is a blessing for both the receiver and the giver.

    In Psalm 86:5 we have:

    For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all who call on you.”

    The adulteress, after being presented under the accusation, of the divine emissary she had as answer: "Go, and sin no more".

    And, as a grand finale, we study the parable about the younger son, commonly identified as the prodigal son, whose father, in joy, accepted him back.

    In one we see duty and blessing, in two we have kindness through forgiveness, in three we have a new opportunity and in four we have the acceptance of the son for a fresh start.

    • spirituality and religion
    • Check out the six important steps to practice forgiveness
    • Know what is the lesson behind sadness
    • Discover four teachings of Buddhism
    • Heart Coherence for Forgiveness Practice
    • Understand why we should practice forgiveness

    Therefore, what forgiveness is became clear since forgiving is giving, to those who have wronged us, the opportunity to repeat the same experiences as many times as necessary until they get it right, that is, seventy times seven.

    Earthly rebirth, therefore, takes place through divine forgiveness so that we can better assimilate what was not well learned before.

    The monitor withdrew and we were left to reflect.

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