Discover orgasmic delivery

A sequence of screams, blood, sweat and, finally, a cry. Many births can be defined that way, right? The image that was built on natural childbirth is that it is a moment of pain and suffering for the mother, but that everything is justified when the baby finally separates from her body. But is it always like this?

Among the possible ways of giving birth are vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery. Within normal childbirth there are other classifications, such as natural childbirth or humanized childbirth. What science points out is that normal birth, in most cases, is more biologically beneficial, and presents fewer risks, after all, the baby is born as it was made to be born.

In other cases, a cesarean section would be more indicated if the mother has a condition that could make normal delivery difficult or cause suffering for the baby. However, this is not the natural way for a child to come into the world.

The World Health Organization, WHO, recommends that only 15% of deliveries in a country are caesarean sections. In España, however, the reality is quite different from that. Data from the Ministry of Health in 2015 showed that 55,5% of deliveries were cesarean, while 40,2% were normal.

There are many factors that explain the high rate of cesarean sections in Spain. The fear of suffering during childbirth, the practicality of the procedure in view of normal delivery and the possibility of controlling the moment of birth of the child are the most frequent. So, many women who would not need a cesarean section opt for this delivery, which presents more risks for the mother, because they believe that normal delivery would be too painful or laborious.

But is it true that the most natural way of giving birth is also the most painful? Orgasmic childbirth brings a completely new perspective on this experience and may surprise many mothers who have been consumed by societal taboos. Learn more about him below!

Discover orgasmic delivery
Image of lisa runnels by Pixabay

What is orgasmic delivery?

Orgasmic delivery, as the name suggests, is delivery that results in an orgasm. During labor, a hormone called oxytocin is released in large quantities to stimulate the dilation of the vaginal canal and the baby to come out. This same hormone is released when a woman has an orgasm during sexual activity. Do you see the similarity between these two acts?

The chemistry that leads to orgasm is the same chemistry that is present in a woman's body at the time of childbirth. So it's possible that she gets the same feeling that sex promotes when she's bringing her own child into the world. Do not believe? Okay, that seems hard to believe, considering that all our lives we've been taught that the pain of childbirth is the worst there is. But let's investigate this further!

The release of oxytocin is not the only chemical process that occurs during childbirth. The release of adrenaline and even contractions of the uterus are two things that happen during childbirth and… during sex. That is, for a woman's body, biologically speaking, the moment she gives birth is very similar to the moment she has an orgasm, reaching the peak of pleasure.

The chemical processes that take place during childbirth have the sole purpose of facilitating the baby's exit from the mother's body. Think about it: if the whole body is working to make this moment simple and painless, why do we believe that normal birth is the most painful there is?

Discover orgasmic delivery
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Orgasmic delivery vs pain delivery

Suffering and pain during childbirth may be more related to taboos and daily violence that women suffer, and less to childbirth itself. If a woman is afraid of failing during childbirth, if she knows that she will have many responsibilities to educate her children, if she does not feel comfortable in the place where the childbirth is taking place and if throughout her life she has learned that she would feel a lot of pain in this At the moment, it is very difficult to believe that childbirth can actually be pleasurable.

Orgasmic delivery will only happen to a woman who feels confident, secure and peaceful at the time of delivery. Nervousness, anxiety and fear are feelings that will make this process difficult, but that are present in the population's imagination about this moment. Have you ever thought or met a woman who said she could never bear the pain of childbirth? Now think: how is it possible to predict one's resistance to a pain that has never been felt before?

Women are taught that normal childbirth will bring pain and suffering and, unintentionally, they end up reverberating this idea when they go through this experience. It is not the women's fault that they are afraid of giving birth without the use of anesthesia, without all the possible medicines and with a very industrialized procedure. Technology brings a sense of security, in this sense, to those who feel insecure, frightened and anxious about an act of such responsibility.

A woman who opts for cesarean delivery should not be reviled or criticized, because we cannot judge the effect that patriarchy has on each woman. However, by choosing this delivery, she will certainly not experience an orgasmic delivery. To feel pleasure during the procedure, the baby must pass through the vaginal canal. Without this process, the body will not perform the same stimuli that it promotes during the sexual act.

On the other hand, mothers who opt for humanized delivery and are able to do so are presented with another way of giving birth, without suffering, which can result in an orgasmic delivery. The baby will pass through the vaginal canal, the body will work as it does during the sexual act and the woman will be in a welcoming and respectful environment, far from threats that could worry her in other situations.

In this way, orgasmic delivery is possible for mothers who choose normal and/or humanized delivery in the first place. This is the basic premise for the feeling of pleasure during childbirth. Unfortunately, with cesarean delivery, it is not possible to feel pleasure. Despite this, it must be recognized that in many cases cesarean section is the safest option for both mother and baby, and health must always come first, even above pleasure.

Discover orgasmic delivery
Image of Alba Romá by Pixabay

Benefits of orgasmic delivery

By now, you already have a good idea of ​​what orgasmic delivery is and how it differs from other ways of giving birth. But there is still more to explore! In addition to the feeling of pleasure when giving birth, orgasmic delivery has other benefits. Find out what they are!

1) Tranquility

When a person has an orgasm, a feeling of tranquility and relaxation runs through their entire body. It's like a sense of mission accomplished, but even better than that. All women want to go through childbirth with peace of mind, making sure that they will not face problems in the future. With orgasmic delivery, which brings that much-needed peace of mind, a mother can be at peace, even for a few minutes after giving birth!

2) Security

The sensation of an orgasm causes instant relief, as if the person were in another reality for a few moments. If a woman has an orgasmic delivery, she knows that everything went as her body planned, that her health is fine, and that the whole experience was a success. Orgasmic delivery brings security to the mother, who now has to worry about a life beyond her own. Isn't it the best way to start this new phase of life?

3) Happiness

All births are bliss, regardless of how a child comes into the world. But with orgasmic delivery, the experience of giving birth will always feel good when remembered or told to others. In the midst of so many traumatic and aggressive births for women, a birth that results from pleasure is the guarantee that the mother lived this intense moment with the best feelings she could have.

Discover orgasmic delivery
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How to have an orgasmic delivery?

There is no set of rules for having an orgasmic delivery. Every woman's body works differently and what works for one won't always work for another. However, there are some factors that can interfere with this experience. Check out the tips on how to have an orgasmic delivery!

1) A welcoming place

Choosing a welcoming place for delivery is what will ensure that you have a positive experience at this time, even if it doesn't result in an orgasmic delivery. It is from this choice that you will feel that you have power over the situation, that you can trust the people who are by your side and that everything will go well. With all this relaxation, you can reach an orgasm when it's time to give birth!

2) Deconstruct concepts

One of the main causes for a woman to fear childbirth is the series of concepts she is taught about this moment. Don't be afraid to review what you've learned, talk to women who have given birth, research the topic in depth and understand what makes you believe that normal birth will bring you unbearable pain. If you can let go of the concepts that scare you, you are more likely to have an orgasmic delivery.

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3) Lower expectations

As much as you want an orgasmic delivery, thinking about it all the time when it's time to give birth will only make things difficult. Try not to imagine how it will feel, how you're going to get there, and everything you need to do to make it work. Prepare for the moment, but be calm for everything that will happen. Enjoy the moment without worrying about it and maybe you will be gifted by your body and mind with an orgasmic delivery.

The moment of childbirth is very special for a woman, and it will be even better if you live it in a pleasant way, without suffering. Even if orgasmic delivery doesn't happen, keep in mind that you've done your best and will be an amazing mother, with or without an orgasm at the time of delivery!

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