Discover ASMR videos to sleep in a few minutes

When bedtime comes, do you fall asleep quickly or do you roll around in bed for a while? Many people find it difficult to completely relax their body and mind, even when they are tired, so they resort to all sorts of strategies to finally sleep a wink.

And one of those strategies is ASMR videos. Since 2018, they have been a fever on YouTube and Instagram, as they provide a feeling of pleasure and relaxation. With the following content, find out more about this subject to have a peaceful night's sleep!

What is ASMR?

If you are wondering what ASMR is, know that this is a common question. Even when translated into Portuguese, this acronym in English doesn't seem to say much. Literally, ASMR stands for “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response”. But what does it mean?

After hearing certain types of sounds, a person's brain produces a very pleasant response. It is a feeling of pleasure, which can feel like a tingling in the back of the head and in the spine. As a consequence of this, it is common to experience intense relaxation.

So ASMR videos are always produced with powerful microphones, which capture sounds we love to hear, like whispers, rain falling, food being chewed and dough being squeezed. In addition to the auditory stimulus, they present a playful and calming scenario.

When a person watches one of these videos, their mind enters a contemplative state, essential for anyone who wants to fall asleep. Read on to find out how this process happens!

How does ASMR help us sleep?

Scientific studies on ASMR are still very recent and inconclusive. This is because many individuals who participate in experiments related to this content already have a predisposition to respond positively to the stimuli of the videos.

Because of this, according to the Sleep Institute, in an article published in 2021, there is no scientific evidence that ASMR actually helps a person sleep. In fact, as videos can only be watched with a cell phone, they can harm a person who has insomnia.

Discover ASMR videos to sleep in a few minutes
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

According to the Institute, it is not recommended to stay with electronic devices just before bed. Among the negative effects of the practice, there is a worsening in the quality of sleep, tiredness throughout the day and a shorter sleep.

Despite this, many people who consume ASMR for sleep feel that the content is effective for this purpose. A possible explanation for this phenomenon is the relaxation that auditory and visual stimuli promote.

When we direct attention to specific content, our minds stop working on other issues. Then the everyday worries that make falling asleep difficult are replaced by focusing on a pleasant video.

Discover ASMR videos to sleep in a few minutes
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Another factor that may explain how ASMR helps with falling asleep is the frequency and duration of certain sounds. A bedtime video that is the sound of rain falling, for example, can last about 20 minutes at the same intensity. Soon, whoever is watching this content will be in contact with a kind of white noise that helps them sleep.

An effect similar to what ASMR causes at bedtime can be achieved with soothing music, which increases the feeling of relaxation and silences the mind for the time needed to fall asleep. So, to find out if ASMR will help you sleep, take a test!

ASMR videos for sleep

With the list we prepared, find out which are the best ASMR videos for sleep. Listen to them when you're in bed to make the effect even more powerful:


If you're past bedtime, an ASMR to get you to sleep quickly is just what you need. In the video, you will hear the sound of delicate pieces being unwrapped from bubble wrap.

2) ASMR: You will sleep in 20 minutes with this video! / Sweet Carol

When searching “ASMR sweet carol for sleep”, you will find a lot of ASMR content aimed at sleep, produced by one of the most relevant channels in this segment. In this case, you will relax to the sound of touching different objects.


In the presented video, you will hear every ASMR sleeping noise that awakens tranquility in your mind. With a duration of three hours, the audio will help you to maintain a deep sleep, so that you wake up with recovered energies.

4) ASMR FAST SLEEP MEDITATION ♡ Whispered Deep Sleep Guided Relaxation / ASMR Up High

An ASMR sleep meditation is what you need to connect your body and mind, in an intense process of relaxation. With whispers, camera taps, and breathing sounds, you're likely to be asleep in about ten minutes.

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5) ASMR – Talking until you SLEEP! {positive words} / Bella Sant ASMR

In case you feel sleepy when you listen to a person talking for a long time, the last video we indicate is perfect for you. Listen to the positive words that will bring you tranquility and well-being to sleep in peace.

Once you learn more about using ASMR for sleep, you will have discovered a new strategy for falling asleep easily. But if you are experiencing problems such as insomnia or anxiety, it is recommended that you seek medical help. Take care of your body and mind to rest every day!

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