Destinations every backpacker should know

    Prepare your body, grab your backpack and check out some amazing destinations that every backpacker on duty should know. Don't forget to also prepare your mental toughness. The itineraries include difficult paths, steep and long climbs, diverse challenges, etc.

    • South Africa – Drakensberg

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    This trail is about 65 km long and is located on the highest mountain in all of South Africa. The adventure generally takes around six days to complete. But attention, it is not for everyone, since the level of difficulty is extreme, there is no defined route between waterfalls, rivers and climbing.

    • Alaska, United States – Arctic National Park

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The Arctic National Park is currently the second largest in the entire United States. It has more than 34 thousand km², space divided between boreal forest, mountains, unforgettable landscapes and wild rivers.

    • Chile - Torres Del Paine

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    Located in Patagonia, the Torres del Paine extend for just over 100 km, totaling about eight days for the adventure to be completed. Geese and condors are found scattered across cliffs, subpolar fields, glaciers and forests. The level of difficulty varies between moderate and extreme.

    • Australia – Overland Trail

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The Overland Trail is about 82 km long and is currently considered the most famous in the entire region of Australia. In short, the adventure takes around five to six days to complete. The difficulty level varies from easy to moderate, as there are boardwalks right in the middle of the way.

    • United States – John Muir Trail

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The nearly 340km of John Muir Trail is dotted with amazing parks such as Kings, Reserve Forests, Yosemite, Canyon and Sequoia. The level of difficulty considered is moderate, and the adventure lasts between 21 and 24 days.

    • Bhutan – Jomolhari Way

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The path to the sacred mountain of the Himalayas, the Jomolhari, is 66 miles long, which makes the adventurer spend between eight and twelve days on this incredible adventure. Although the level of difficulty is considered extreme, there are monasteries, museums, forts and yak houses scattered throughout the route.

    • Peru – Inca Trail

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The Inca Trail, which takes the adventurer to Machu Picchu, is almost 50 km long and is one of the most visited. The path includes tundra, forests and geological landscapes. The difficulty level is moderate and for sure the famous ruins of Machu Picchu will make all the effort worthwhile. The adventure lasts about 5 days.

    • New Zealand – Queen Charlotte Trail

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    In New Zealand, one of the most visited and well-known trekking routes, the Queen Charlotte Trail, is about 71 km long, which can be covered in up to four days. Considered well maintained and signposted, the difficulty level is classified as easy or moderate.

    • Ireland - Dingle Way

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The nine-day Dingle Way route in Ireland is sure to be worth it. The whole way is surrounded by lush ruins, golden beaches, forests, villages and fields beyond green. The difficulty level is considered moderate. But be careful, it is better to avoid the tour between the months of November and February, as there is a high incidence of hail and heavy rains.

    • Cinque Terre – Italy

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The Italian “five lands” are made up of small coastal villages along 7,5 miles (12 km). During one or two days it is easy to travel through Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso, especially in the months of April-May and September-October.

    • Kalalau Trail – Hawaii, United States

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    The route is not long, but the difficulty is vigorous on this 22-mile (36 km) hike, which takes two to three days to complete. Green valleys and narrow ledges intensify your effort, which is rewarded with impressive landscapes. You can go there all year round. 

    • Long Trail, Vermont – United States

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    Roads, rivers, swamps, alpine forests, pristine lakes and large green areas form the 273 miles (438 km) of this route, to be completed in 26 to 30 days. The difficulty varies between moderate and extreme and the best period is between May and November.  

    • Trail Laugavegurinn – Iceland

    Destinations every backpacker should know

    Iceland's most popular route is full of wildlife, passing through deserted valleys, glaciers, volcanic landscapes and pristine waterfalls, which along its 34 miles (55 km) yields four days of moderately difficult trekking. Go between June and September.

    • Mount Rinjani - IndonesiaDestinations every backpacker should know

    This 14-mile (22 km) trail takes the brave, who hike for three to four days, to Mount Rinjani, an active volcano and the country's second highest peak. Between caves, steep climbs, hot springs and starry skies, the extreme difficulty is worth facing. Plan your trip between May and October.

    Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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