Delivery man helps transform the life of a girl who wanted to buy a pizza 'on credit'

    Delivery man helps transform the life of a girl who wanted to buy a pizza 'on credit'

    Would you sell pizza on credit to an eight-year-old girl? When Flávio Tupan, a delivery man for the iFood app, had this opportunity, he unfortunately couldn't help the girl. Not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the money.

    According to the report by Portal G1, Flávio was moved by the girl's request and made a post on social media telling about what happened. He posted the story on Facebook, asking if anyone could buy the girl a pizza, which he would deliver via iFood free of charge.

    To the motoboy's surprise, the post was successful. To G1, he told: “The next day, when I woke up, I had a lot of comments, likes. A lot of people wanting to help. And everyone wanted to send [the food] that very day. Owners of establishments, pizzerias, cafeteria, people wanting to donate basic food baskets”.

    Flávio Tupan / Personal Archive / G1

    That's how a chain of good started. From a simple pizza delivery in Vargem Grande do Sul, in the Cohab 5 neighborhood (SP), Flávio mobilized a crowd of people to help a family. In a few days, he delivered groceries, pizzas, pies, snacks, mini pastries and basic baskets to the girl.

    In addition, residents of the city began to organize to bring even more joy to the young woman. In another affectionate gesture, they handed toys to the girl, who was left with a full belly and a smile on her face. After all, this is how childhood should be: playful and without worries about money.

    As Flávio became very involved in the family history, he learned a little more about them. For the G1, he told that they are from Minas Gerais and that the young woman's father works in the coffee harvest. The family income comes from the BPC (Benefício de Prestação Continuada), because the girl has a disability.

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    After a few days of eating only bread and drinking only water, the family represented by a humble and affectionate girl was able to celebrate the kindness of Flávio and so many others with very tasty food. It didn't just end in pizza!

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