Decrease criticism and judgment to evolve

    Decrease criticism and judgment to evolve

    A large part of people seem to have an innate ability to judge and criticize the other, without even putting themselves in that person's place.

    I notice a large portion of people who seem to love pointing out the mistake and defect of others, some seem to take pleasure in this act. I realize that this and other attitudes are part of our culture, because it is already rooted in us and we are encouraged to be like that, from a very early age, in our homes, in the family circle, of friendships, at work, in clubs and the like. From an early age we were bombarded and surrounded by this type of attitude and behavior, in our homes and places we frequent, habits created, since we watched, read, talked. Without realizing it, we criticize here, make a comment, make a judgment about other people's lives and this has already become normal for many people; it's almost like drinking water daily.

    For a long time, I was this kind of person. I realized that, since I was little, this bothered me, but, like many did, it was already part of normality. Even with the discomfort, sometimes criticism escaped from here, a judgment from there and so I grew up in the middle of this lively circle and, however, when I decided to transform myself, I realized that this and other attitudes needed change, so I started to watch the my speech, my thinking, my behavior and my attitude. So I started to withdraw from conversations and places where this kind of attitude happened. In addition, I began to ponder this discomfort I feel and talk about it. When I see and hear someone talk about the life of another who is not present, especially when so-called “spiritual” people point the finger at other people’s lives and make comments like: “Have you seen so-and-so?”, “If it were my son… ”, “Beltrana is fat…”, “Sicrano doesn't stop anywhere…” and so on, somehow I started to say that it bothered me and what I thought about this kind of attitude.

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    And I realize that I no longer want to waste time with comparisons, competitions and judgments. I believe that this only delays our evolution. I want to let go of these harmful habits to evolve. I know that there are still many layers to be reviewed, pruned, cut, eliminated and transformed so that I can become a better person, so I try to heal myself and the external. I stopped going to certain places, I don't see things that don't add anything to me and only steal my energy. I put myself in a state of alert and I keep watching, praying and living one day at a time, eliminating the load that doesn't serve, letting go of old habits, the old me, to transmute and live being someone better for me and for the world. I know I still have to “eat a lot of pounds of salt” to cultivate patience, compassion, empathy and unconditional love, so I walk towards the light and leave the thorns behind. I'm changing my skin to wake up and evolve, because what I want is to regenerate.

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